New Member
Have they recovered from the burning?
How have they handled the 150ppm?
These things will determine if you should up your nutes.
can u explain what u think is recovering?
they look about the same up top not more loss of leaves but no new growth just new roots..


Well-Known Member
can u explain what u think is recovering?
they look about the same up top not more loss of leaves but no new growth just new roots..
Fuck me, what I think?
Recovering is recovering.:roll:
Greening back up, new leaves, shoots and roots and basically looking a whole lot fucking better than they did after you burnt the fuckers.
I wouldn't be upping the ppm until I saw that sort of recovery but what the fuck would I know, maybe MY idea of recovery is different to the rest of the entire MJ growing population.
Do what you want bro, it's your grow.
Edit: Going from burnt brown to green is definitely possible simply with PH'd water alone, but again, WTF would I know, I've only been growing in hydro since the fucking eighties!
If your going to treat peoples input with contempt, then why fucking ask questions in the first place. I'll be watching this one from afar.


New Member
i just got my juicyfruit seeds in the mail today.. BCSK is the shit i went with a moneyorder this time and from the day i put it in the mail to today it took 14 days,and i got 10 extra..they said that this is the best they got for sog cash crop..
so i asked around and someone even said this is some of the best weed on the planet!! :rolleyes: hmmm so i figured i gotta see what its all about.. i'm unsure when to start germin them though i bet they would explode in this system and wouldn't want them gettin to beastly.. soil was always slow going and i could start them now..


New Member
Fuck me, what I think?
Recovering is recovering.:roll:
Greening back up, new leaves, shoots and roots and basically looking a whole lot fucking better than they did after you burnt the fuckers.
I wouldn't be upping the ppm until I saw that sort of recovery but what the fuck would I know, maybe MY idea of recovery is different to the rest of the entire MJ growing population.
Do what you want bro, it's your grow.
Edit: going from burnt brown to green is definitely possible simply with PH'd water alone, but again , WTF would I know.
If your going to treat any input with contempt, then why fucking ask questions in the first place. Go it alone and lets see how far you get.
i am saddened that u have taken offence to this question.
i have to admit that i had to look up the word contempt and see the words disrespect and despised, disobedience, strong feelings of disproval,
disgust, and i don't feel that i have committed any of these..:roll: i may have asked a question twice i dunno i'll have to go back through when i'm done typing..so i fear a response like this again and will not ask any more ?'s


New Member
so i've decided to germ the juicyfruit thinking that by the time these snap out of the nute burn the new beans should be about the same size and would fill the room a little more not to mention i usually get about 40% females from seed they will be thinned out pretty well and some of these may not make it.and if they are nute sensitive after all this i could lose a lot of time waiting and waiting for something that is a total waste..


Well-Known Member
HOHO, you had me at disrespect.
So that you understand, It's not what you say, but how you say it.
I felt you had an agenda with your reply "can you explain what u think is recovering"
That implied that what I think is contrary to the norm', your norm, or what I think needs to be immediately disregarded because you know better!
You backed it up with your smart arse remark about "do you think they would grow nice green leaves at 100ppm".
Weather it was intentional or not only you can answer, but I'm out, I don't put up with that sort of shit when all I'm doing is trying to help.
All the best.


Well-Known Member
Are you still here?

Yield = Dry, cured, smokable Bud. He's not at that stage yet.
Spare me your semantics.
We are all aware of the meaning 'yield', unfortunately you seem not to be .:bigjoint:

Yeah and he said guess his yield BEFORE he starts, and before he starts his yield is ZERO.

Now if he had stated guess my YIELD of my FINISHED FLOWER CYCLE before I start it, then your argument has merit. :roll:


Geeze lighten upbongsmilie


New Member
HOHO, you had me at disrespect.
So that you understand, It's not what you say, but how you say it.
I felt you had an agenda with your reply "can you explain what u think is recovering"
That implied that what I think is contrary to the norm', your norm, or what I think needs to be immediately disregarded because you know better!
You backed it up with your smart arse remark about "do you think they would grow nice green leaves at 100ppm".
Weather it was intentional or not only you can answer, but I'm out, I don't put up with that sort of shit when all I'm doing is trying to help.
All the best.
my agenda was to get answers for my situation, i have never burned plants this small so i wanted to know your opinion.. things are hard to diagnose without being in front of the plants in person so i ask more ?'s of people who know more than me..i might read in to things a little more than some or ask a dumb question here and there cuz i have a strong urge to perfect things that seem difficult..
but i in no way meant any disrespect to u or anybody else and u can read any post by me to see i'm genuine.
and to say "You backed it up with your smart arse remark about "do you think they would grow nice green leaves at 100ppm."
i don't see anything smart ass about that i simply did not know.
but i understand u wanting to step back and watch.
perhaps u should ease in to a conversation that u think is suspect.
i just don't understand how pot smokers can be so up tight:roll:


Well-Known Member
Yeah and he said guess his yield BEFORE he starts, and before he starts his yield is ZERO.

Now if he had stated guess my YIELD of my FINISHED FLOWER CYCLE before I start it, then your argument has merit.

Fuck me, I know your trying to be humorous but it's wearing a little thin.
The original question implies that it's the 'guess' that's required before flowering begins not the actual quantity of yield.
We all know the yield comes at the end of the grow.
We all know what HOHO means.
We all understand the concept of guessing some ones yield.
It was kind of funny the first time I saw a post of yours but you've taken it a bit far.
"Brevity is the key of wit"

...and HOHO, yes, probably a miss understanding, i was having a bad fucking day yesterday. :peace:

Let the thread get back on track!


Well-Known Member
i just don't understand how pot smokers can be so up tight:roll:[/quote]

Lol i think it has something to do with being OUT of pot! LOl but for real everyone lighten up, were all here just tryin to have fun, and smoke bowls!:bigjoint:


New Member
ok so i went to the store today and got the stuff to make 2 more of these systems for the 60 beans i got yesterday..still no roots in the one bucket and the other one has good roots but mabe a little brown very light brown but everything smells fine in there and i have been using h2o2 every 3 or 4 days so i will start making the new units tonight and wil have them in the room by saturday so i will be letting everybody reguess since i have changed things..


Well-Known Member
ok so i went to the store today and got the stuff to make 2 more of these systems for the 60 beans i got yesterday..still no roots in the one bucket and the other one has good roots but mabe a little brown very light brown but everything smells fine in there and i have been using h2o2 every 3 or 4 days so i will start making the new units tonight and wil have them in the room by saturday so i will be letting everybody reguess since i have changed things..[/quote]

Hurra! I may have guessed quite low! I guess i cant add, i didnt know u would have that many ladies:bigjoint:


New Member
i would say that they look a little worse today,it seems that all the green is turning yellow not burning or dying but that could be right around the corner..


New Member
even in the clones that i got off my buddy are lookin a little stressed so i think its time to bump up the ppm to 230 and if i lose the seeds it wont really hurt my feelins i think alot of em will benifit from some nutes now though..:eyesmoke: