Growing secrets from badass growers


Active Member
Hey Gang,
How's my favorite group of people in the whole wide world doing. Listen, all of us out here in novice-land are particularly anxious about making mistakes and doing our best first time out. So I thought maybe some of you FREAKING BADASS GROWERS could share your best techniques and tips compiled in one thread.


Well-Known Member
Give this guy some tips and secrets already god damn! haha. just playin. i was really hoping to read some badass secrets though. I think one of the most important things i was told, by a guy who showed me his grow op that he was closing down, just had lights, and hydro shit everywhere, with a little hash layin around. haha. Well he told me ventilation is paramount, without it, plants are a lot more susceptable to disease and parasites. So I bought one out of the 3 700+cfm fans off him, a ph pen and a whole shit load of other goodies. Almost bought some new bubblebags off him. He was a damn good salesman, should have been working in a hydro store except then he couldn't give me buy one get one of equal value :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah... lets all divulge our best secrets so that everyone else can profit from years of trial and error...


Damn, thats one hell of a way to look at it man. :roll: I'm sure these first time growers are going to go full out production style and take over you're turf, little competition hurt nobody. and damn, keep the poor from smokin the good stuff huh? he's gota pay time and time again out the ass for the good stuff grown with top secrets! Nothing but shwag grows from here on people! we should censor all spilled secrets from trial and error and put us back in the stone age as far as growin pot goes.LOL!


Well-Known Member
Yeah... lets all divulge our best secrets so that everyone else can profit from years of trial and error...

fuck yeah, i got all the secrets, but i'm not just gonna GIVE them away... you all should flood your house and electrocute yourselves and learn the hard way... and hopefully kill all your plants in the process...

what a worthless cold-hearted post... F-


stays relevant.
Damn, thats one hell of a way to look at it man. :roll: I'm sure these first time growers are going to go full out production style and take over you're turf, little competition hurt nobody. and damn, keep the poor from smokin the good stuff huh? he's gota pay time and time again out the ass for the good stuff grown with top secrets! Nothing but shwag grows from here on people! we should censor all spilled secrets from trial and error and put us back in the stone age as far as growin pot goes.LOL!

What... do you think I grow because I like the smell in my ops? I don't care what the end user pays as long as the clubs pay... You choose where you get your pot from, you can get it from club a, club b, or club c- I sell it for the same amount to every club, and what they mark it up to is up to them... If they choose to sell it at cost, that's their mistake because I give it to them at ridiculously low prices... so they can charge very little to the end user and still be profitable -- but do they choose to? No... and that's not my problem.

Just the reality of the situation... what others wont teach you, you have to learn on your own... fortunately my dad did it for a lot of his life and passed on a number of "family secrets" to me. I consider it the only special bond my father and I ever had... as he wasn't just an incredible grower, but also a huge scumbag drug addict who ruined his life before I was old enough to ask "why?"

I'm just not one of those people who gives away the recipes.


stays relevant.
I never flooded my house... and a little electricity doesn't kill... Honestly... you'd have to be a retard to not produce a respectable crop... I'm just not telling any of the secrets I know... who the fuck cares?

For all you know, one of my secrets could be nothing more than "water plant weekly"

Fuck man... people like you make it hard to want to learn magic tricks.


Well-Known Member
:clap::clap::clap: Could not have said it any better.

Growing requires time and patiencents if you dont have those.....Just buy your fuckin pot
woooah smart guy, well then, I guess if you do have those you can just grow your fuckin pot then. how about that?

It's actually a lot more simple than that. No patience required after the first 3 months, then growing just becomes a chore with harvests when ever the fuck you want. I'm starting to think a perpetual harvest of 1 plant per day could pretty much stop time in its tracks and patiencents would no longer play a roll, not like it ever did in the first place.


Yeah... lets all divulge our best secrets so that everyone else can profit from years of trial and error...

What a bummer way of looking at things. Fortunately most expert/experienced/master gardeners actually love to share their passion. Not really sure why you would come to this online community unless you wanted to share. Take a penny leave a penny.


Well-Known Member
I never flooded my house... and a little electricity doesn't kill... Honestly... you'd have to be a retard to not produce a respectable crop... I'm just not telling any of the secrets I know... who the fuck cares?

For all you know, one of my secrets could be nothing more than "water plant weekly"

Fuck man... people like you make it hard to want to learn magic tricks.

woah man, I was able to get you to divulge a lot more info than you probably should have. LOL Excuse me for trying to stir shit up. that reasoning is pretty understandable too, can't blame me for trying though. Honestly though, I dont mind trial and error as its fun fucking things up but only if you can figure out how to fix most of them.


Well-Known Member
i stick a rusty nail in the trunk of my plants 10 days before harvest....the oxidation of the rust boosts a protective hormone to speed up resin production and protect the plant...but dont do it before your ready to earlier than 10 days....


Well-Known Member
man i don't know if i should thank you yet or even think about doing it. haha I'll wait until i see some proof. got any of that laying around?


Well-Known Member
magic tricks are for pussies...

welcome to the internet, where you can find all the free music, movies, porn, and information your brain can handle...

there's no real special secrets... but there are some advanced things you would have to read a while to figure out... so - if you want to look up any of these topics for a little more information feel free...

LST - low stress training, this is tying the plants over so the tops dont go straight up, but bend over and let the side branches become "tops"...

SCROG - one of my favorite "secrets" - stands for screen of green, where you basically low stress train the plant, and bend the side branches under the screen, so their side branches will produce buds as good as the top... it gives you about 1.5 - 2x the yield potential, but requires more work. the whole purpose is to create a perfectly even and uniformly lit canopy that will be filled with all buds that resemble mini-colas.

topping - is cutting the brand new grow shoots off the top of the plant, this gives you 2 main colas instead of one.

FIM - is similar to topping but you have to cut the top in a special way... not all the way off but at a U shaped curve, and leave a small amount of the top on the plant, this will give you between 2 and 8 tops... and makes the plant branch out more than it normally would.

supercropping - is where you squeeze the stem, or roll it around in your fingers to turn it into mush, and basically break it without breaking the skin of the stem... the plant will repair this, and the bud at the end of that stem will be bigger than it would have been originally... dont do this too many times at one time, you have to spread it out to not stress the plant too much.

Ultraviolet Lighting - HID lights produce very little UV light, UV is a wavelength of light that produces a color beyond violet... lots of animals can see this type of light, and plants outdoors get lots of it in certain areas of the world. you can get supplemental UV lights in the form of fluorescent tubes or CFLs... they sell them at pet stores for reptiles, you can also use tanning bed bulbs... UVB is what you are looking for...

and my most recent, and favorite "secret" - digital timers suck! - i threw away 8 of them that i had to totally reset anytime the power went out or when i switched from veg to flower - i replaced them with a programmable logic controller (PLC) which can control any amount of lights, fans, or pumps, and has the ability to make decisions and do math... it has an infinite amount of timers with accuracy down to the 10th of a second. (so you can turn something on for 62.5 seconds if you want) it also has the ability to make sense of analog inputs, which would allow it to read the pressure of the room compared to the atmosphere, or the amount of co2 in the air, you can also hook up solenoids to it to allow it to release co2... and you program it on the computer, so you can save, edit, and monitor the state of everything in your grow room live, and even remotely... PLCs are usually for industrial automation so they have everything you could think of... you can even get touch screens that you program and can make control anything manually... i'll never grow without one again.

were any of those YOUR secrets growtech? hopefully i didnt give any of your competition a leg up on your biz... you sound like a commercial grower who hates his job, most other ppl are here because this is their hobby and they are addicted to growing as much as they are addicted to smoking... thats my case anyways

enjoy your free information everyone...