growing organic hydroponic


Active Member
hi im new to hydroponics and growing period... since this is my first grow i would like to know what are sum good nutrient for growing organic hydroponic and wats the difference from regular hydro grow..... i really would love to get sum info and experience for other organic hydroponic grower.....


New Member
hi im new to hydroponics and growing period... since this is my first grow i would like to know what are sum good nutrient for growing organic hydroponic and wats the difference from regular hydro grow..... i really would love to get sum info and experience for other organic hydroponic grower.....
well hi there...some of the good....( EASY ) ones are botanicare pure blend pro grow/bloom....hard to beat this one. and flora nova grow/bloom from general hydroponics.

the difference between chemical nutes and organic is tricky....they both have all the npk you need is a strict chemical form and the other is a more naturally occuring form of the npk...and has some beneficial enzymes in it...but also has some bad shit in it too... so in an organic grow it's may the best oranism win and in a sterile grow with chem nutes you can add h2o2 and keep all forms of pathogen life from growing ensuring you only have what you want in the tank.

now it is a matter of OPINION as to wich is better. but they both grow weed!!!:blsmoke:


Active Member
thanks 4 the info.....this site is the best.... the reall reason i dont want to go chemical in my hydro, is really a matter of taste.... i dont want to have that nasty chemical taste in my bud.... does the yields stay the same also with organic?


New Member
you can flush for taste but the yields are usually a lil better in how many people that pisses