growing *myths* thred, help the grow FAQ


Well-Known Member
hey guys I'm helping out with the grow FAQ, thought a good addition would be all the old myths that are out there so that newbies can steer clear of them:

so far all I can think of is:

  • Putting a rusty nail threw the stem makes the plant stronger.
  • Halogen (spotlights) 100W lights are good for growing
  • Incandescents are good for growing
I know that there are HEAPS more out there but I just cant think of them right now (sleepy/no buds).

is there any more that you guys can think of?


Well-Known Member
they need to be baby'd and pampered and the temps cant go higher than 75!

bs. it's a plant. it'll grow if you let it...


Well-Known Member
I heard a million different opinions bout miracle gro.I'm usin it an ain't havin any trouble I can see.Only trouble I'm havin is that it's been rainin for a week an ain't gonna have sun for a few more days but I'm betting that when it does clear my plants will probably have a nice spurt in growth.


Elite Rolling Society
I'm not knowlegable about soil growing, but from what I have read here,
I think the miracle grow talk is confusing and confused too.
I think people are knocking the MG Soil with the EXTRA Time Released nutes.
I think the MG Soil without the Time Release Nutes is GREAT Soil to grow anything. It is just those time release nutes are rough on a baby sprout.

AND, I get so tickled at seeing these NEW ideas, like yesterday there was a post asking about Human Urine. Last week, someone asked about JELLO, red adn blue flavors ! LOL . Two weeks ago, it was vitamin C. AND I have quit reading any MOLLASSES post. Someone here put it in a DWC system and really mesed up the pump.


Just some idiot
Actually the MG with the time release food is bad. I know from experience, it also messes up your nute schedule and the PH is bad, without the time release food it is fine. Try to stay away if you can, you don't know when or how much the food is released.


Just some idiot
I think pissing on your plant should be a myth. Yes it has nitrogen but it also has ammonia which is not that good for your plants.


Elite Rolling Society
and now someone has a thread posted asking about TURTLE Water ?????

Turtle water? I guess if Human urine and cat urine and Mollases and Vitamin C and JELLO won't work, then try turtle water!


Just some idiot
Turtle water smells big time, it might cover the stink of the plants. Turtle crap water should be under ODOR


Well-Known Member
don't turtles carry tons of bactirea like sammonella and E-coli? i don't think i want any of that shit near my plants.


Well-Known Member
Actually the MG with the time release food is bad. I know from experience, it also messes up your nute schedule and the PH is bad, without the time release food it is fine. Try to stay away if you can, you don't know when or how much the food is released.
I've used the MG Moisture Control soil with good results. I only fed with Alaskan Fish Emulsion and never had any nute burn to speak of. (I only used it through veg and have since switched to my own soil mix) I won't use it again because I wasn't able to comfortably use any chemical fertilizers for fear of burning, and the soil ended up pretty compacted. I did like how it distributed the moisture evenly throughout the soil. From top to bottom the moisture remained pretty consistent.


Just some idiot
I've used the MG Moisture Control soil with good results. I only fed with Alaskan Fish Emulsion and never had any nute burn to speak of. (I only used it through veg and have since switched to my own soil mix) I won't use it again because I wasn't able to comfortably use any chemical fertilizers for fear of burning, and the soil ended up pretty compacted. I did like how it distributed the moisture evenly throughout the soil. From top to bottom the moisture remained pretty consistent.
Exactly, it's not that MG is bad it's just really not good if you want to use your own nute schedule. I use MG with plant food in all my flower gardens and even in parts of the veggie garden.


Well-Known Member
i've had a bag of MG potting mix for a while.
Not used it to grow weed yet but my apple trees are growing pretty well in it.
They don't give you much info on the bags which is a bit of a discomfort.


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried the MG soil,almost bought some but not sure about it.I already have my plants in some all purpose soil with that time release crap an I think when i go out for more soil in the next couple days I'm just gonna get the plain stuff.I'm already using MG all purpose plant food so I don't think having more food in the soil releasing itself is gonna do me much good.I don't want em over-fed u know.


Well-Known Member
That's what I say.....I'm trying to be careful on my first grow so I can get at least something out of it.


Well-Known Member
I bought liquid worm poop from home Depot, It's been working pretty well... I used too much once and they got fertilizer burned... the bottle claims its like 99% worm poop.


Well-Known Member
I have a lil tub of worms that are probably dead by now.The kind u buy for fishing and such.I had this idea that if I cut em up and mixed em in with soil if it would be any benefit to the plants?