Growing in swamp area info needed


Active Member
Hey Happy growers. need some ingo on growing in swamp area. found a great spot today. just wonering is it posible to plant there?


Well-Known Member
my only concern would be late season storms that could flood your garden. I just had to deal with hail and rain last night but my garden's on a valley hill side so flooding wasn't really possible. still beat the fuck out of my plants though..


Well-Known Member
I live in Louisiana where theres a crap load of swamp. Also we have terrible rain storms and the occasional hurricane. I solved these problems by planting in 20 gallon containers.


Well-Known Member
what my buddy and i do is buy the biggest bags of miracle grow soil and bring them out to the swamp then set them upright and cut a hole in the top. putting your plant 2-3 feet above ground level because of the height of the bag. then put our plant right in the top of the bag. dont forget to cut holes in the bottom of the bag for irragation and later on root growth.
it works no lie.


Well-Known Member
I would invest in some 30 gallon garbage bins. Simply cut holes in the bottom and fill with soil.


Active Member
I use planters made of plywood and put them on legs made of 2 by 4's to keep them a little above the marsh. Somewhere with tall enough vegetation to hide the planters is good. If there are cattails you should cut the tops off of them so your buds don't end up full of fuzz. If there are deer in the area a fishing line fence will work to keep them from eating your plants. Good luck, better get started soon.