Growing in a public place?


Active Member
Hey I was wondering if it is a good idea to grow marijuana indoors in a self-storage facility. I mean it's perfect because it has a lock, good ventilation, electricity that is paid for by the company, and I could get it with a fake i.d so it will be untraceable to me. What do you guys think?

Cap K

Well-Known Member
What you gonna do about the smell? How are you gonna get all you gear into the site without being seen by an employee or someone else? Cmon man!


Well-Known Member
Terrible idea. Grow room security is impossible to control in a location like that. Rent a house.


Active Member
Terrible idea. Grow room security is impossible to control in a location like that. Rent a house.
Well I can use carbon filters to deal with the smell. And it has good ventilation. Also the place I can rent says I would be the only one with the key and I can take the equipment in with boxes and stuff. Has no one ever grew in a self storage before?


Active Member
I'm pretty sure they're going to wonder why there is so much power consumption in one self storage when no one is suppose to be in there because its for STORAGE.

It seems like a cool idea in some non-reality kind of dream, but really there's just too much probability for a bust.


Well-Known Member
Your in a big hurry to goto jail.
This is a real stupid ass idea.
Noone will tell you otherewise unless they too are just as dumb.

Come the fuck on, plp are already telling you the reason and how you WILL (not maybe) get busted.
Cops can search with a dog because the storage owner will have right to allow it (since they arent going in your unit) and not only the dog, but the pig as well will smell (as well as hear your fans running) also like someone else said, they will notice a spike in power.
What if you overload the branch.
What if the place burns the hell down, they will really know then (especially if its your stupid fault)
or better yet when you lose your job or cant pay and they take possession and find your grow, your about to seriously fuck up.
How old are you 12¿
fake id LOL what a joke, your face is being seen, you can be IDd, most places have cameras so your on the record.
I just can't believe someone would think this would work, maybe 1 small plant but I wouldn't take risk for 1 punny plant.
I hate being mean but if keeps your ass outta prison and my tax dollars from keeping you there over something dumb then I will.

I'm not really being mean, i'm stressing my point, you better grow up right now before you have to in prison being someones bitch.


listen if you do autoflowering strains maybe 2-3 plants at a time to keep the odor down,well do lowryder (low odor), then i couldnt see why you would get caught,(well i coud but for all intents and purposes) but you are doing it on a fairly public place so im sure i dont need to lecture you about the risk, but i think the risk outweighs the reward, its a personal judgement call, you just have to ask yourself is the juice worth the squeeze my friend? i think you will find the answer is NO


Well-Known Member
That is not a good idea at all, at the most you will only have 1 outlet for power, and what about when you are there 5-6 times a week in there working
this sounds like a really fast way to get a vaction in jail
Dont do it


That is not a good idea at all, at the most you will only have 1 outlet for power, and what about when you are there 5-6 times a week in there working
this sounds like a really fast way to get a vaction in jail
Dont do it

how will u monitor the plants. it will be suspicious being there on a daily/weekly basis


Well-Known Member
for sure he is there multiple times a week and in there for a few hours did not bring nothing with him and did not empty the unit, they will for sure think something is going on

Use your head


Well-Known Member
for sure he is there multiple times a week and in there for a few hours did not bring nothing with him and did not empty the unit, they will for sure think something is going on

Use your head
It obvious he doesn't think anything though, that's assuming he can eevn get a plant to mature, he obviously isn't intelligent.

So what's next you gonna c00k up some gl@ss next?


Well-Known Member
listen if you do autoflowering strains maybe 2-3 plants at a time to keep the odor down,well do lowryder (low odor), then i couldnt see why you would get caught,(well i coud but for all intents and purposes) but you are doing it on a fairly public place so im sure i dont need to lecture you about the risk, but i think the risk outweighs the reward, its a personal judgement call, you just have to ask yourself is the juice worth the squeeze my friend? i think you will find the answer is NO
Why would you even suggest it to begin with¿
2-3 wouldn't pay for his rent, let alone anything else or have any to smoke.
Yet another brilliant idea.


Well-Known Member
It obvious he doesn't think anything though, that's assuming he can eevn get a plant to mature, he obviously isn't intelligent.

So what's next you gonna c00k up some gl@ss next?
there you go 1 unit a grow op the one next to it a meth lab, in 4-5 months with the profit you get you could buy a space ship from N.A.S.A. and move your operation to the space station
you would have it made