growforgood904 grow journal

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
potent kief is what you've made already man, its literally just the crystal pressed into a solid, you've got to have good product to make good kief tho!! i generally empty my grinder into a piece of folded tinfoil put it in the middle of a book and slip it under the corner of the sofa, take it out next day open the foil and fold the pressed kief in half then repeat the sofa shit and bang youve got some mind bending kief you can heat it up a bit to make it stick together more. i generally top my bong hits off with a little bit.


Well-Known Member
All right king of procrastination ! sorry perfect day to update though! seems as its 4/20!!!

so this is the new closet. Far bigger then the first. sorry dont have closet picture just upclose ones really. and some venting action.

Didnt have the fan up like i thought. just ripped out old closet and brought it with the plants here so i rushed to get it done. took like 1 hr.

w/o fan temps got to high 80s. and soon as i hookedthe fan up it got down to low 70s. with a/c in room!
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Happily in there places! 100_3299.jpg

This is a good spot to take a clone right?

Gave them some nutes today with r/o and rain water . 1 tsp of grow pr gal and 1 tbs of liquid karma per gal. 100_3301.jpg




Some Back yard action!
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Well-Known Member
Hello my fellow Green men (and women) of RIU. I have my flower room now up and running and 95% light contained! I know what ur thinking . Thats not up and runnning then. right . Well I need to go to hardware store to get a few things.
Just wanted to get some pics up. seems its been dead in here!

These are before

These are fence slats i used that i had left over from doing my back yard fence. 100_3699.jpg 100_3700.jpg

Somewhat finished!
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Chilling out back!! :joint:
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Well-Known Member
This is Chomba x Maui a Cali strain i got from an assoc. *BagSeed* 100_3706.jpg

This is NYC Diesel from Soma 100_3707.jpg

Tora Bora from Reserva Privada (DNA Genetics)100_3708.jpg

And This is also from Soma. Lavender! 100_3709.jpg

on a sad note my jack Flash didnt make it. I assume it was something i have done wrong. oh well . at least i got some other good strains!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
kool dude! i was totally expecting to see more woodwork fromt he first couple of pics then its all panda covered lol guess you dont need it right! shame about the jack flash shes a beauty that one but soon enough youll have just as nice, i wish id bought soma beans for my next run....

wont your landlord be like WTF why is there a 4" hole in the ceiling and bits of wood.... ? good work dude!


Well-Known Member
its a 6in hole. and ya my wife said the same thing. i figure i can patch good enough for a walk thru! And yeah i think i will get some more wood or maybe pvc to build a shell . noticed this morning it was sucking ion bc of the 6" fan !

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn that makes me sound like a woman.....shit im turning into my mother:shock:

6" haha sweet, and hell if its working why bother adding more of a frame, unless your gonna be there a while?!



Well-Known Member
Had a death in the Family. Will be rtaveling to New Mexico for 4 days. I will be sending me a care package to myself before i go.

This is a Legalized state in a way. i should be able to get something down there right?Any way my plants will be fine i will give them a good waterin.

I prob should go ahead and transplant my seedlings in bigger containers or u think they will be fine?

I also will be making a batch of brownies or some canna budder tomorrow because it will be a 12 hr traveling day. so i will also update pix of that.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
My condolences to you and yours GFG. The seedlings look small enough you should be able to leave them as they are. Just water before you go and they'll be good. They aren't big enough yet to really be sucking down water, so a good watering just before you go should be fine for the little ones.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear news... have a good trip and don't worry about the girls while you're away, they'll be fine! :leaf: