Grow Tube - Part Deux


Well-Known Member

thnx for the look, this is my 2nd try with this setup, learned a lot from try 1
i used to do a lot of outside grows, but new to inside
for me, the biggest problem in both situations has been soil
good soil = good grow, and likewise bad soil has been my biggest problem
so read as much on soil,ph,nutes, and moisture as you can, it will pay off


Well-Known Member
Day 32 of 12/12. Height is about 28 inches. She's getting big. Oh well, good problem to have.

Bone meal tea definitely provides pretty good feeding. I had the 1st signs of phosphorus def. about 7 days ago. Nothing but bone meal tea/molasses/wood ash and bud growth is taking off.

Plant pic from outside the tube, wanted to show main cola development. Still learning the fine points of photography, pic is so-so at best. Does show the main cola is 'chunking up'. Hard to believe this has been done with 78w of cfl.

The last days will be the toughest part, I'm getting close and nervous to harvest. By the breeder guide lines, 24 days to go.



Well-Known Member
Day 34 of 12/12. Height is probably 29 inches or so. Tough to measure inside the tube, popped out for feeding tomorrow and will get a good height measure.

Think I'll just feed with the molasses tea at this point. Plenty of bone left from the bone tea feedings(I think).

Main cola getting fatter day by day. The waiting is really begin to get to me.



Well-Known Member
Day 36 of 12/12. Height is just at 29 inches. The main cola is fitting just right under the triangle of cfl's. 20 days to go by the 'book', the breeders guidelines.

Smell has really gotten nice, so little smell but nice. A little bit of skunk and maybe a bit of pine and citrus.

The main cola is where the action is as far as bulk. That was my plan, harvest main cola, then give the smaller buds a week or so to ripen. Fan stems have really gotten red, kind of a cool look.


grow space

Well-Known Member
yo bro-so so sweet plant you got there.i was reading your journal and really hoping at the start that youl get a beautiful femm, and BAM-it happend.Im so happy about your grow mate.soon starting to construct my first cfl indoor setups(one will be in a small cabinet and other one in a small dresser).
man, i hope all goes well untill the sweet harvest.

keep up the good work mannnn.......


Well-Known Member
grow space,

many thnx for good thoughts, maybe that did the trick and pushed plant into a femme, who knows?
it was pretty optimistic to grow one plant and think female, but the results that i had seen of others with this strain and breeder were pretty sweet. of course 1 for 1 is not much of a trend, but what the hell

grow space

Well-Known Member
yeah mannn-your tube idea looks just so sweet.hey your grow journal is really good, but if you dont mind, can pls post some pics about your ventilation.i visited your 1 journal(sorry it didint work out) and i know you have 2 vents, but how and what hight they are on exactly(need inspiration 4 my own ventilations constrtuction).I have always been an outdoor man but also had thoughts about indoor setups and now is the time.

keep it up....


Well-Known Member
You can see the top vent about 2 pictures up, it's a 80 mm case fan, so it has an exhaust opening of about 3 inches. Originally, I drilled out about 15 holes, 1/4 inches each. This was a cheap grill. Idea was stealth, tried to limit sound from inside of tube. This 'grill' wasn't enough, so cut out a square about 1 1/2 inches. Got too hot with summer temps.
There is a 2 inch diameter hole at the base, covered with a plastic grommet. No fan, just a passive inlet. The fan power supply wires and temperature probe come through there. You can see them sprinkled around in the pics.
Last item is the height of the fan. Its mounted about 3 inches from the top of the tube.



Well-Known Member
Day 38 of 12/12. Height has stayed at 29 inches, very little if any upward growth on main cola. If this is where it stays, no complaints. Lights are about as close as I dare. Have seen a bit of twisting, some brown tips. Likely a little bit of burn. Just did 1 more water/feed with 1/2 tsp molasses to 2 quarts water.

My 1st bent bud has happened. Was expecting something like that, seems pretty common. Didn't snap, just bent over and pinched. A little yellowing on that bud. Straighted back up, got my single string support to prop it back up.

Pic shot out of the tube. Getting optimistic on getting at least an oz of this grow. 18 days or so and main cola will come off, maybe another 1 or 2 of the better developed buds. Then back in for another week of ripening of the lower undeveloped popcorn buds.


grow space

Well-Known Member
so nice man-just it it is so amazing, what kind of results can you get 4 just regular, not so high watts cfl-s.

grow space

Well-Known Member
oh-and dont worry about the hight-your girl is all about in Flower may grow only a little bit-but yes, all of the energy is in bud developing.but be shure that the lights isnt too close or touching the bud-that could ruin your crop.


Well-Known Member
I'm watching the bulb/plant distance real close. Looks like height stretch has stopped, just packing in the bud now.
And it's 3 26w bulbs, 78w total. We'll see what the final tally is on the grams/watts.


Well-Known Member
Day 40 of 12/12. Height 29 inches at main cola, that looks like the end of the stretch. I'm really hammering the main cola with the cfl's. Some spots are less than an inch away, mostly the upper fans, not the bud. Some the upper leaf is twisting, showing a bit of heat stress. Sorry guys, but you must suffer a bit for the good of the bigger picture.

One more feed of the molasses tea, then I think it's time to go pure water. There really isn't a trace of deficiency that I can see. That may not be quite so good, as I want to see some deficiency in the fans within a week or so. May result in pushing out the harvest by a few days, I want to see the ripening phase kick in.

Other than molasses and the soil, the nute source has been 3 tbsp of bone meal. 2 mixted in at the start, and 1 tbsp broken up into 3 feedings of bone tea. MG Organic bone meal has done well by me.

Now to the porn, the main cola is getting thicker and thicker. I just like saying that, it's been a long wait. Peek close in the center and you can see it's becoming a mass of white pistil.



Well-Known Member
Day 42 of 12/12. Height 29 1/2 inches at main cola. Doesn't seem to quite stop stretching, just slows down to a crawl. Fed yesterday with molasses tea. I think that's it for nutes. I'm 2 weeks away by the breeders guidelines on maturity, and there isn't a hint of yellowing in the fan leaves. So I'm probably a bit over nuted at this point. 2 weeks could be main cola ripening, maybe a bit later, the guidelines are just that, a guide, not an exact calendar

OK now have to talk about odor. The absence of odor on this strain is unbelievably low. The longer it flowers, the lower it gets. The highest smell was probably about 2 weeks after the start of the 12/12, and that wasn't much. Now, you can put your nose an inch away from the bud, and then MAYBE you can smell it. If there is a stealthier low odor strain, well it would have to be without any smell at all

Now the pic. The first color on the pistil hairs has appeared, pink/reddish at the very top. Pink tips are a signature of this strain



Well-Known Member
Day 44 of 12/12. Height 29 1/2 inches at main cola. It finally seems to have stopped growing up. It just didn't seem like it wanted to stop. So 6 weeks of stretch is what I saw, with the stretch slowly winding down over the last week or 2.

It seemed like it took forever, but the harvest time is coming up fast. Going to have to starting checking the trics! Got a 20x jewelers loop which should be enough. Seems like a good time to open up a harvest journal, which I'll do next week. I'll keep this thread updated too,beginning to get the shakes on my haul(barring disaster).

Main cola is now a solid 7 inches of bud at top, and I think I will see a solid 12 inches by the time I cut. From what I've read on nl#5, it's a dense bud strain. My guess is main cola will come out at about 3/4 oz by the time it's dry. Counter guesses are of course welcome. The 2nd biggest bud looks like it will be able to be harvested at the same time. Its in the front, just to the left of the main cola.


grow space

Well-Known Member
wow man-im still amazed-so beautiful main cola.really good work bro.and yes-you should cut the top off when it time and let those lower buds get some fattening time.

keep it up man...


Well-Known Member
truepothead, rollanotherblunt, growspace

thanks for the looks and the good feedback - it may be coming together - but i won't breathe easy until the buds in the jar

Day 46 of 12/12. Height stretch looks to have stopped. I think leave height behind as yesterday's problem.

Now for the fun. If you look close, you can see a couple of burn spots on a few of the upper fans. Finally got the cfl's a little too close. However, I'm happy to pay the price. 10 more days or so, and those cfl's are hitting the main cola with all they've got. The fans don't have to live much longer, and I'm glad to trade a bit of burn for close to the cola. Tomorrow, it's time to scope out the trics. Would love to post some pics on that, but not sure how tough that will be with the cheap camera. I'll give a try anyways. And it's time to open a harvest log, just to parallel this thread.
