Grow Tent Are Equal


Well-Known Member
lets Get Real People Are Grow Tents Are The Same Bs A Dam Frame With Some Material Over It..and Some Holes...what Makes Or Break A Tent Is The Material That Covers It...yeah Some Companies Offer Better Reflective Material Thats It And Please Stop Saying That Tents Kill Plants Im Sure Some 100 Grand A Year Engineer Reads Feed Back From Customers And Fixed There Problem So When You Purchase A Tent Worry About The Material,insulation, And Price Cheaper Aint Always Better But Basically Its A Box And Remember The Thinner The Material The Easier The Smell Gets Out And Youre Temps Go Up


Well-Known Member
dude, why the fuck do you keep posting about tents. This is the second thread on this dumb shit. what did you lose a crop cuz you werent prepared or something. Tents are fucking gay. Any retard can build the same thing for half the money, in half the time it takes for that gay ass shit to get shipped. Stop posting gay ass threads in bold type.


Well-Known Member
i keep posting shit like this cause i bought one you ass and i want people to read it and make a good decision and what they need to look 4 when buying one yeah you could build one yourself you dumb fuck but some people with a lil money prefer to buy there stuff done and thats thats...maybe youre jobless life gives you time to build and shit like that but us spenders we want it dont 4 us so dont hate


Well-Known Member
you're retarded...

the company has even admitted to their product poisoning should learn how to read and maybe not talk so much, just sit back and may learn a little more...


Well-Known Member
loud i know they said they did but people keep bringing up that some tents kill youre think if the company admitted it they would be still making them...why dont you just sit back and read mister secret jardin rep


Well-Known Member
i keep posting shit like this cause i bought one you ass and i want people to read it and make a good decision and what they need to look 4 when buying one yeah you could build one yourself you dumb fuck but some people with a lil money prefer to buy there stuff done and thats thats...maybe youre jobless life gives you time to build and shit like that but us spenders we want it dont 4 us so dont hate
Shut up man. Thats why your dumb ass is on the net posting in bold. Cuz your ass couldnt do some shit by yourself. If you just read some shit and built it yourself you wouldnt have had a problem dummy.


Well-Known Member
hydrohuts had a toxic material that was killing the plants a few months ago, but they fixed the problem. But recently i heard from my local hydro shop there have been problems again. either way id stay away from hydrohuts. =)


Well-Known Member
you dont get it idout i dont want to make something myself i have the money to buy it and i like spending cash ...doing it youreself its because youre jewish and cheap why do people hate when other do what they wanna do?


Well-Known Member
you dont get it idout i dont want to make something myself i have the money to buy it and i like spending cash ...doing it youreself its because youre jewish and cheap why do people hate when other do what they wanna do?
im just pointing out to your dumbass what the problem is. Its you. Your shit caught up to you. If you got so much cash then just buy some weed and forget trying to grow faggot. If you had so much fuckin money you would have dropped $5000 and got a top notch setup, and had no fucking problem. Youd be smoking big buds now, instead of posting dumb ass threads. So go spend some more money big spender, and keep spending it. Its people like you that keep alot of our pockets fuller!


Well-Known Member
Why spend money on something that's going to kill your plants, when you can just build something for half the cash that doesn't kill them? I'm sure there's a how-to with templates and directions somewhere out there.


Well-Known Member
Why spend money on something that's going to kill your plants, when you can just build something for half the cash that doesn't kill them? I'm sure there's a how-to with templates and directions somewhere out there.
Exactly, and if you half half a fuckin melon you could figure out a way to do it yourself.

Here ya go, i posted about this in a thread a couple days ago. Its called the extend a closet.
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - DIY extend-a-closet GROW TENT


Well-Known Member
they dont kill plants anymore those were old models and the money thing i dont have time to biuld it im out somkling the finest shit and getting laid ....just pay 4 it if youre a busy guy and if youre not busy build it enough arguing its been fun but its 420 timeeeeeeeeeeeeee come in this bitch deep smelling like a pound


Well-Known Member
they dont kill plants anymore those were old models and the money thing i dont have time to biuld it im out somkling the finest shit and getting laid ....just pay 4 it if youre a busy guy and if youre not busy build it enough arguing its been fun but its 420 timeeeeeeeeeeeeee come in this bitch deep smelling like a pound
Truce. Its obvious your mad about the tents. I was just heated cuz you made an entirly new thread when you lost control of the other one. Happy smoking.


Well-Known Member
you dont get it idout i dont want to make something myself i have the money to buy it and i like spending cash ...doing it youreself its because youre jewish and cheap why do people hate when other do what they wanna do?
what kind of Racist shit is that??
jewish and cheap?

listen here dumbass I could buy and sell your ass all day. and 500 for a tent ain't Shit. it is not nor has it ever been about money you pathetic little trick.

I build cuz i have the skills to do it myself My Way. as to every other hard core grower in here.
matter of fact if it were not for innovative people who build our own you would have nothing. We make the wheels turn and you should be thankfull.

Now bow down to the inovators ya punk and thank us for putting plastic and plywood together so you can have your grow tent and pretend you Have Skills.

the only Reason i am even considering a tent is due to the fact it is a good solid Structure prebuild and i it leaves me one less headache to deal with.


Well-Known Member
not angry the dood is just a stereotypical racist clown i would not care who he picked he is a moron.


Active Member
Fuckin A man, you could cut the tension in this bitch with a plastic knife. I dont knock the dude for buyin one and not DIY, but i think DIY is fine too. Everyone needs to quit getting so butt hurt and smoke a fat one. Personally i use the Secret Jardin just because im too lazy to build my own tent. Plus for an extra 50 bux its worth not having to move, but i do build my own ebb/flo. But PROHETO8008 thats a badd ass DIY tent bro, nice fuckin work.


Well-Known Member
I bought a Secret Jardin DR120: the total cost with shipping was $230 and it took me 20 minutes to set it up (and tear it down when I needed to move it). It has convenient venting holes which allowed me to set up the fan and light with minimal fuss, and is more than sufficient for my needs.

I'm sure that someone with a bit of technical skill could jury-rig a similar setup for 1/3 the cost. Seeing as how I've got 10 left thumbs, I'll let someone else do the engineering for me. By the time I got anything near this setup, I would be spending into four figures for ruined materials and hospital bills for power tool related injuries.