Green Poison, Space, Pineapple, (pics + details)


Well-Known Member

I have Space, Green Poison, Pineapple Express, Strawberry Cough and Kalishnakova.
The Strawberry and Kalishnakova are fine and not affected like the other three.
I keep my watering/feeding the same for all of them.

Where to begin..

All are in Ocean Forest. I use Botanicare nutes..CalMag, Karma, PureBlend Pro Grow/Bloom, and CN17 Ripe.
Ive been growing for years and never had a problem like this before.
Water going in stays around pH7, and exits the pots around 6.2.

I first started noticing what looked like a K deficiency on the Green Poison. Yelowing starting at the tips and moving towards the petioles, with browny/rusty spots mostly along the veins.
About 2 weeks later I began to notice the brown/rust spots (mostly along the veins) on both Space and Pineapple.
Strawberry and Kalishnakova are unaffected.
Pics are enclosed and labeled.


My first generation of clone from the Green Poison is exhibiting similar coloration.
It would lead me to believe something was wrong with the Green Poison at a genetic level, or was just a one off "bad seed". However, 2 others are showing similar things in flowering (not veg, yet[knock on wood]).




New Member
It doesn't look like Potassium def., looks more like a lack of Calcium to me (but seems there are more going on).
Do you use RO-water?

If you have given too much P, it can make Calcium unavailable (but also K).
So if you have tried to fix it by giving different nutrients and it only gets worse, it could be "nutrient-ratio" lockout. If so, I would flush with a little cannazym (or water).


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the responses.

Probably dealing with a lockout..

I havent had a digital pH meter for the last year..finally got a new one about 10 days ago and my runoff was in the 5.6-5.8 range. Ive begun remedying that..Hopefully that will work for me going forward.


Well-Known Member
...and the spots have transferred to my vegging cloned Pineapples. And Im starting to see it in the K-Kova.

Its just hard to believe it's a deficiency when they get fed the recommended doses.. seeing as how conventional wisdom has always stated to use around half the recommended doses.


Well-Known Member
Ive had mites before..there are definitely no pests involved.

It's crazy.. 5 strains and some of them show it, some dont..but I treat them all the same way.