Green House White Rhino. CFL grow


I've grown this strain of white rhino, under proper lighting. The plants (no offense) look pathetic. 2 ounces max for all those plants put together, dry weight. If you're lucky. They just aren't getting enough light, and so they need much more time, at least 2 more weeks I would say. By the time you trim the shade leaves and sugar leaves their won't be much left on those plants. But if an ounce or two was all that was expected then I guess you aren't doing bad, I've seen worse.
3 ounces is what we were hoping for. we had an extra tent, so we stuck a big yielder under the cfl's just to see what we'd get. and we are probably going to flower 2 more weeks.
i'll try to get some better pics tomorrow. because theres a lot of buds your not seeing. I've seen and ounce dry come off a crappier plant than what these are
we've also got 2 more that will be ready 3 weeks after these and then another 5 will be ready 2 weeks after that, so I'll probably get the 3 ounces i wanted to get from that tent
do you think they should be harvested all at once or should we harvest the biggest buds up top and give the rest a couple more weeks to get bigger?
BTW. we had an accident and broke a couple bottom branches about a week ago. so we let em dry and smoked them without curing them and that was one of the most potent strains i've ever smoked. it made my top 5 list, i'm soooo ready to smoke some once it's dryed and cured properly
well we decided to harvest at 9 weeks. they've been in complete darkness 36 hours and there getting chopped today. they've also swelled even more since they were put in dark. the buds are covered in THC. and they smell like honeysuckles and kinda fruity at the same time.

as for drying them were going to cut the fan leaves and some sugar leafs and leave the rest and hang in a room with a fan. once the rest of the leaves are dry they'll be cut and the best will be used for hash. the question is should we leave the whole plant to dry or should we cut individual branches and let them dry separately?