Green House Seeds Grow Journal


Active Member
7/20 Started GHSC Big Bang, Cheese, and El Ninø by placing each in a shot glass of bottled water. Placed in a dark room approximately 72*


Active Member
7/21 Moved Big Bang, Cheese, and El Ninø seeds onto a plate using 2 wet paper towels. Covered the plate in saran wrap and placed in a dark room approximately 72*


Active Member
7/22 Maintained moisture levels of the paper towels. Big Bang and Cheese seeds have both just cracked open and are showing a little tail. El Ninø looks like it is starting to crack but no sign of a root yet.

Prepared my rooting tray today by boiling water for ten minutes after which I hydrated 50 Root Riot starter plugs and placed them in my tray which had been filled about 1/2 inch of the sterilized RO water. I then placed the tray in its spot in my tent with a heat mat and a humidity dome. Temperatures of the Root Riot starter plugs will be perfect when the seeds get placed in them tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
ive done all 3 of those, cheese and nino were ok but wasnt keen on the bang.................good luck


Active Member
dude, have some fun with that el nino... I have mine right now.. over 2.5 feet wide and less then two fee high... a beautiful bushy plant... unfortunately my SLH didnt turn out as good.. but ive got more of those seeds.. the one el nino i had, grew beautifully and is my pride and joy right now.. i keep upping the size of pot and tying the branches down.. Shes a beautiful mommy.... i just put her into flower.. i will def post pics..


Active Member
7/23 Big Bang, Cheese and El Ninø seeds all had exposed tap roots and were transferred into Root Riot starter plugs that were prepared yesterday.

Big Bang tap root approximately 1cm long.
Cheese tap root was over 2 cm long and required ripping the Root Riot plug down the middle approximately half way down. Fit tap root in snug and faced the seed up.
El Ninø tap root approximately 4mm long.


Active Member
7/24 Added 16 ounces RO water to Root Riot tray as it had dried out.

Cheese seedling has grown above the starter plug but has yet to crack it's husk and expose Cotyledon.
Big Bang and El Ninø have no progress to report.

Photoperiod set to 18/6. Lighting provided by a 4 bulb 4' t5 fixture.


Active Member
7/25 Big Bang has no progress to report.
Cheese seedling has continued to stretch and is beginning to shed it's husk. Cotyledon should be visible in 12-24 hours.
El Ninø has grown above the starter plug but has yet to crack it's husk and expose Cotyledon.

Root Riot medium feels excessively moist and as such I will wait 24 hours before adding water to the tray.


Active Member
7/26 Big Bang, Cheese, and El Ninø seedlings all preparing to shed their husks.

Added 8 ounces RO water to seedling tray. Introduced 6 new cuttings into tray.


Active Member
7/27 Preventative neem spray applied to all plants and cuttings. Seedlings were excluded.

Cheese and El Ninø husks are holding on but only just. Cotyledon this evening or tomorrow maybe.
Big Bang husk is still very much attached. Maybe 48 hours to cotyledon.

Hi/low temperatures inside humidity dome: 79*,90*
Average temperature inside humidity dome: 85*
Hi/low humidity inside humidity dome: 45%, 87%
Average humidity inside humidity dome: 70%


Active Member
7/29 Added 12 ounces RO water to seedling tray.

Big Bang has shed it's husk but still has a membrane clasping the cotyledon tips together. If its still there in 24 hours, I'll remove it with tweezers.
Cheese has fully shed its husk and looks vibrant and healthy.
El Ninø has shed it's husk but still has a membrane clasping the cotyledon tips together. If its still there in 24 hours, I'll remove it with tweezers.



Active Member
7/30 Added 12 ounces RO water to seedling tray.

Removed remaining membrane that was clasping the cotyledon of the Big Bang and El Ninø.


Active Member
7/31 Added 8 ounces RO water to seedling tray.

Changed Veg Reservoir: 10 gallon RO water, 50 ml SensiGrow A, 50 ml SensiGrow B, 25 ml B-52, 20ml DM Gold Zone root conditioner.



Active Member
8/1 Added 12 ounces RO to seedling tray.

Big Bang, Cheese and El Ninø seedlings all have a couple of roots shooting out their sides. I'll allow them another 48 hours before I move them into netpots.


Active Member
8/3 Added 12 ounces RO to seedling tray.

Preventative neem spray applied to all plants.

Big Bang and El Ninø had sufficient roots to transplant into 6" net pots filled with hydroton.
Net pots were placed in a self-made aeroponics chamber.
10 gallons RO water, 15 ml DM Gold Zone, 30 ml AN SensiGrow A, 30 ml AN SensiGrow B, 15 ml AN B-52.

Cheese still needs 24-48 hours to transplant.

Cutting of a wild growing 13 fingered plant I found growing displayed secondary rooting and was also transplanted into 6" net pot.


Active Member
8/4 Fungus Gnats were found in tent and larvae root damage has been found on my main reservoir. Added 1/4 mosquito dunk to each reservoir.