Good website with endless information on Amino Acids . Proteins , and Enzymes .


Well-Known Member
This would take me weeks to read and is probably written as a Electronic Book for a course in a College or University and is the best website I have found that I can recall and found just today .

The Title of the Search engine says it is about Amino Acids , Proteins , and Enzymes .

Ignore the first Paragraph that says OPENING ESSAY which talks about Insulin and Insulin Pumps . I have no idea why it is on the page .

The link below is for Chapter 18 of the electronic book .

The Name of the Book is ; The Basics of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
and has 20 Chapters

This Link next is Chapter 18 and is about what I am interested which is Amino Acids , Proteins , and Enzymes .


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