Good ways to pass a UA in two weeks


Well-Known Member
Anybody got any good tips on how to get this out of my system got a drug test in two weeks and i smoked last night

+ rep to any that help


Well-Known Member
sorry cant be done. you will still show possitive for at least 30 days. Buy a piss kit and you'll pass the test.


Active Member
Buy some detox tea or drink from the headshop. Drink a ton of fluids to flush your system out. Drink a couple of shots of vinegar daily , not on an empty me it worked for my friend. He smoked 4 days before his UA and passed.


Well-Known Member
Buy some detox tea or drink from the headshop. Drink a ton of fluids to flush your system out. Drink a couple of shots of vinegar daily , not on an empty me it worked for my friend. He smoked 4 days before his UA and passed.

see now thats the kind of help im looking for + rep


Well-Known Member
Exercise like a mad man. Thats the only way to do it. THC is fat soluble. Getting rid of fat is the only way to do it. You can use the piss cleaner stuff from headshops as well but thats not getting rid of it. Its masking it.


Well-Known Member
Exercise like a mad man. Thats the only way to do it. THC is fat soluble. Getting rid of fat is the only way to do it. You can use the piss cleaner stuff from headshops as well but thats not getting rid of it. Its masking it.

thanks i knew it was stored in fat cells and my body fat percentage is less than 3 percent


Well-Known Member
Silly question from a silly man :P I wish you the best of luck. I too have an interview and a possible piss test tomorrow and its only been a week since I last smoked so hopefully Ill have some luck on my side.


Well-Known Member
man that isnt all true because my buddy once passed a test after three weeks
i did three weeks too
The man said he had a test in 2 weeks, and you my friend dont quite know what you're talking about. You may or may not have passed a test in 3 weeks. I really could care less. But no one will pass a test in 2 weeks. Sorry wont happen. I am a med lab technologist.


Well-Known Member
If you're not a regular smoker you can definitely pass after two weeks.

Do you know if they're going to watch you pee? If not, fill an Elmer's glue bottle with clean piss and carry it in your arm pit to keep it warm. That's what I do and it hasn't failed me yet.

Good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
i used to push my luck.... and to try to improve my luck i would take like 5x multi B vitamin and like 5x niacin for a couple three days... supposedly helps to flush you out faster. Also drink like a madman the morning of, water, orange juice, anything... and make sure you piss out at least 36 oz. if possible that morning before taking the test.

and then stop putting yourself in this situation.


Well-Known Member
I would work out and fast for a few days. I hear pedialyte works somehow. This guy I know is a chronic smoker (I mean about a half oz everyday because he sells weed)
He said he used pedialyte. He didn't eat anything the day before and only drank pedialyte and pissed clean. I couldn't believe it. He's such a fuckin pothead too.
OH, and he wasn't smoking for these few days.


Active Member
substate the water or oz for cranberry juice (military told me this) the natural cleaners in it do alot better to get it out of your system faster and i did it in two weeks i drank nothing but watter 1-2 gallons and cranberry juice 1 gallon a day and i drank so much i literally shit watter uncomfortable feeling definitely not worth it seems the general concinnous is avoid the situation all together