Good mother undergoes torture by THC...


Well-Known Member
...and all that for the sake of her kids.

Mother smokes a joint a day for doco |

"Ms Taylor says she experienced intense paranoia, loss of concentration, apathy and weight gain due the drug .

But she said as a mother it was important for her to know what was in store for her kids if they ever tried the drug."

She truly is a hero.

Reefer madness.


shawarma king
she wouldn't be paranoid if she was hanging out with me, she might get fat -- oh well, she can sign up to one of the million brain bending diets all the "normal" "sober" women do -- and what the fuck is this thing concentration? fucking super race of "sober" people running round with all my god damn concentration! :)


Well-Known Member
thats some bullshit,,thats like given someone whose never drunk achohol before a bottle of rum,ovcourse itll really fuck um up,
she apparently had thc injected into her plus she smoked the strongest stuff she could get,she hadnt smoked weed for 20years,ovcourse it was guna fuk her up,
and yeh, all her mates were probably talking behind her back too,
talking about the bullshit experiment she was doing,so she wernt being paranoid!
silly cow...


Well-Known Member
I think she should be applauded, and now that we have that experiment down with no deaths, lets ask if she will try that with the lower class drugs, under the classifications being advised by the majority government. Take the opening they give you. VV


Well-Known Member



Thats why you use a bong! bongsmilie

Honestly I don't know why people over the pond are letting the BBC do such bias reporting. Glad I don't watch British TV, I have to be stoned to get any of the humor.

Hell if any script drugs was done this way none of them would pass the FDA standards in the US.


Well-Known Member
ITs all lies.......They where saying weed had more affect than wine? Cant be serious? You know how many fights ive been in drinking wine? Wine is worse then beer makes me more crazy then any other liquor....I wounder how much Wine-N-Abox paid her for that comment? Where is the proof?!?! I see her smoking weed but I dont see pictures or video of her acting crazy or phsycotic yet I can turn on spike TV right now and show you a drunk guy running from the police in his jeep.....Shananagins!!


Well-Known Member
That's fucking ridiculous. A mother who has never tried the drug injected herself with pure THC...? What the fuck is that shit? Has anyone here ever tried to melt down a brick of hash and inject it in themselves? Fuck if I have. Once again, more propaganda and bullshit are spewing forth from a TV set. I hope someone skull fucks that journalist in the ear into submission. Or sodomize her with a brick laced with AIDS.