Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

too larry

Well-Known Member
A somewhat cooler day today. At 1355 it's partly cloudy, 87F with 72% humidity. Forecast high low of 84/71F with 20% chance of rain today. 10 day high low of 95/71F with 8 days of possible rain.

too larry

Well-Known Member
We did have a little shower early, but it managed to get up to 97F later on. At 1910 it's fair, 84F with 77% humidity. Forecast low of 74F with 20% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high low of 96/73F with 7 days of possible rain.


Well-Known Member
We did have a little shower early, but it managed to get up to 97F later on. At 1910 it's fair, 84F with 77% humidity. Forecast low of 74F with 20% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high low of 96/73F with 7 days of possible rain.
97 but feels like 105 right? Haha i I sure dont miss the humid heat back when I was Cashville. I'll take this dry shit any day over that lol.

too larry

Well-Known Member
We've had little pop up thunder showers the last few days. Last night as I was walking, it was hard to tell which fireworks were man made, and which were natural. {I did get the chance to test my Frog Toggs poncho} The clouds kept me from seeing the fireworks last night, but I've had a pretty good show for the last few nights before that.


too larry

Well-Known Member
Another hot one today. At 1325 it's partly cloudy, 95F with 55% humidity. Forecast high low of 93/75F with 20% chance of rain tonight and 40% tomorrow. 10 day high low of 93/74F with 9 days of possible rain.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Last night was hot and still. I put in a couple of miles, and decided an early night was not a bad thing. Today doesn't seem as bad. At 1250 it's mostly cloudy, 89F {HI of 104} with 63% humidity. Forecast high low of 91/75F with 20% chance of rain. 10 day high low of 96/74F with 9 days of possible rain.

I drove through a really heavy rain going home last night. Missed the house though. I will need to water the okra again if we don;t get a good one today.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Sunday about dark we had a thunderstorm for the ages. I was hiking, so was lucky enough to experience it up close and personal. High winds, rain. lightening and thunder. I ducked into my stealth camp for shelter, but had to exit due to trees falling around me.

Today the rain didn't start until afternoon. At 1735 it's light rain, 79F with 100% humidity. Forecast high low of 94/75F with 30% of rain tonight and 80% tomorrow. 10 day high low of. . . . .


At 2010 it's clear, 77F with 97% humidity. Forecast high low of --/74F with 20% chance of rain tonight and 80% tomorrow. 10 day high low of 93/74F with only 9 days of possible rain.