Gonna fail a drug test, fucked up story


Active Member
just went for an job physical and the had me do a urine drug screen. when asked if i used any illicit drugs recently i checked the yes box. it asked for an explanation and mine was that i recently returned from a trip to jamaica and bought some food with marijuana in it and i didn't know it. i gave the date and everything. i smoke pot but the story is true and my pasport is proof of my trip. i only returned the day before my physical. i am white, my girlfirend is jamaican and when we go to visit her family in the countryside, i am like the only white person around for miles upon miles. i was in the counrtyside for 2 weeks and only saw 1 other white person and when your skin color is different people play tricks on you like putting marijuana on my jerk chicken. its not the first time either. i smoke, but knew i had this physical coming and was abstaining. what do you think will happen? this physical thing was like a formality and i've already moved, begun the training, goten a security badge etc,etc. i often go to jamaica especially the deep countryside where laws and police are virtually nil, i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place! i took the test on Wednsday and all next week i'm going to be waiting for the call that says i failed etc, etc. i hope i get to talk to an HR person or something. what do i do except wait for the other shoe to drop?


Well-Known Member
IDK dude. They are probably going to ask why you didn't go to a doctor. I'd tell them I wouldn't trust a Jamaican doctor.
I had the same problem with me but you can appeal the test.I got sent to albany n.y. to get tested where all state security,state cops go.I got a letter saying i tested positive and i responded and got retested and the job.Hope that helps you out a bit.


Well-Known Member
Hey man you were honest and gave a valid reason i kno it doesnt mean shit but maybe they'll think at least he honest and give you the job but probably on the conditions of a piss test every few weeks, i kno its unlikely but aint no point in just seeing the worst that can happen!


Well-Known Member
I'm a little drunk so it's difficult to follow what you are talking about but some places have a "probation" thing. If you are clean on the second test they take you off but they will watch/test you like a fucking hawk! There ain't shit you can do about it so try to stay level headed about it and don't let it totally fuck your day up!


Active Member
the story gets thicker. the reason i went down there is that her mother just died in a car accident. if i have to wait 1 month to come clean, then sure as hell i'm going back to jamaica help her with everyything. what if some other fuckhead feeds me marijuana while i'm trying to be clean again?

who knows maybe my prospective employer is only worried about controlled substances like xanax, cocaine, and heroin. i'm in ohio and pot is pretty decriminalized here. hope for the best and prepare for the worst i guess.


Active Member
well, got a call on monday that said i failed a drug test. they saw my reason and i am supposed to get another call from someone higher up so i can have an "interview"

seriously, of all the drugs they test for(its a job at a hospital and they test for all of them) ganja is like the lowest on the scale. its not addictive, it doesn't impair you nearly as bad as alcohol, and since they don't have ganja in hospitals, they can't be worried that i am going to thieve it from them like benzos or narcotics. this whole process for marijuana is retarded and is only perpetuated because it stays in your system and they can test for it a month out.


Active Member
ok, so I got the call on monday that i was going to get another call for an "interview." well, friday came around and still NO CALL. apparently it isn't that important for them to investigate. i have half a mind to blaze up again but am scared that i will get a call next week. why are they taking so long? have tthey forgot? do they not care? they have invested serious money in training and hiring me, like thousands of dollars. what the hell? i would at least like an interview for them to say that "we saw your reason etc, etc, and we don't feel we need to do anything further" i'm scared to call them because i have always felt that i should let sleeping dogs lie, but how about some closure so i know if i can continue to blaze or not. fuck me. its like purgatory!


Active Member
In ohio companies that drug test have not addated the "decriminalixed" iondset. If you test positive for THC it might as well as be heroin.


That's a pretty crazy story man. You should really just buy some clean/fake urine next time and not have to worry about this kind of BS anymore. Hope it all works out for you and good luck.


Active Member
In ohio companies that drug test have not addated the "decriminalixed" iondset. If you test positive for THC it might as well as be heroin.

you are not very bright. if it was heroin, and they were notified on monday, i am almost sure that i would have had my followup "positive drug test" interview by now and been told that my services are not needed as i would be a high risk for stealing narcotics/opiods, to which i will have good access in the hospital setting in which i will be working. since they were notified of my positive drug test, i have already gone through the day long hospital orientation and been paid $600 for said orientation.