Going off SSRI's


Well-Known Member

I have been dealing with depression since 1998. I have been on Citalopram (Celexa) for 2 years. I recently got food poisoning, and the changes in the bacteria in my stomach caused me to experience amplified side-effects.

I need to ween myself off, and start solely medicating with MMJ. I am afraid though.

If I go off the SSRI, aren't I likely to have another depressive episode?

What about overseas travel, if I have no pot and no SSRI's, won't I go insane?

I will discuss this with a doctor, clearly. But hearing from someone else that has experienced this would be amazing!

Thank You


Well-Known Member
I have not read too much further...it seems too good to be true. I feel like they might try to sell me a bible at the very end or something...


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm sure I will be. According to the "Road Back" website, they suggest a whole slew of nutritional suppliments that you are supposed to talk to your doctor about.

I think MMJ seems to be working pretty decent for the now. Until international travel that is...

I am, unfortunately, one of the million Canadians on a wait-list for a "family doctor". But I'm gonna jump the queue and just pay a psychiatrist to see me and ask them all these questions. I have them for a whole hour....muah ha haaaaa.

I'll eat ramin noodles for a month to pay for it....haha


Well-Known Member
As it turns out, it seems that getting the worst food poisoning ever in Las Vegas and then traveling sick as a dog for 12 hours, was TOTALLY worth it! Because it led me to getting the fuck off those awful drugs....gross.

hahaha - funny how shit works out


Well-Known Member
hahaha - it was hilarious. Everyone on my flight home must have thought I just starred in an impromptu Bukkake video just before I boarded the plane...I looked and felt like hot ass.


Active Member
How long have you been off of the SSRI's? Sometimes a crash can be delayed.

Depending upon which SSRI's you are on, coming off suddenly can be pretty dangerous. It isn't just about feeling down, it can be seizures. If you've been off for several weeks or months with no harmful effects then you are probably good but if it's only a few weeks, I'd still be wary, and it may be worth taking an extremely low dose.

If you can't get in to see a doctor, maybe talk to a pharmacist?

If you can get in to a walk in clinic even, they can write up a special prescription for a compounding pharmacy, to help you come off of it, with progressively lower and lower dosages per tablet.

Who is prescribing the SSRIs? Can't you see them?


Well-Known Member
Well...many things.

I'm on 20 mg of Citalopram (Celexa) a day. I'm not off it, started weening yesterday.

1. I did talk to a pharmascist. The Pharm told me to cut them in half right away. I have not done this. I have been cutting them into like 9/10ths, 8/10th, that's as far as I have gone.

2. A friend of mine had weened himself off, due to experiencing a myriad of side effects. He told me I should try to ween off very slowly. I listened to him.

3. I was seeing a doctor at the University when I went, but graduated last year, and thus ended my reign of weekly/ bi-weekly visits.

4. I have an appointment with a compassionate Skype doctor soon, and I plan on asking him all of these questions as well.

5. I also have a therapist appt at the end of July (my ext available time with my schedule that I can make it).

6. I could totally go to a walk-in. I plan on it actually. 3 weeks of feeling all wonky is enough for me.

Thank you for your help!


Well-Known Member
Just finished reading and counting the number of listed Celexa side effects on "the Road Back"'s website.

They only posted 185, although there are 500.

And of those 185, I have experienced 118 of them...



Well-Known Member
On a positive note, I didn't have to try AT ALL to loose weight. haha. Constant gagging, nausea, and vomiting seem to take care of those few extra pounds.

Maybe the drug companies should start marketing it that way.

"Celexa: you may feel like a piece of shit, but at least you'll be skinny"


Well-Known Member
Down to 3/4 of a tablet. Only 0.5mg from my original dose - but I'm being VERY cautious.

One thing - my blood pressure seems kinda high. I could have just been nervous at the doctors office. Buuuuuuut - one of the side effects of withdrawal from Celexa was "high blood pressure"....

Dun du Duuuuuuuuuuun....

Think I'll be ok? I'm going to try to chill the fuck out, and take a proper sample at the Pharmacy BP machine tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I know - that when you read side effects, it's very easy to say "I totally have THAT"!

"Excessive Blinking? I think I blink too much - HAVE THAT!"

But there are some on the massive list, that I am POSITIVE are from the Celexa.

Blood Pressure might just be because I'm a little wound-up at times...and I hadn't smoked any weed due to the driving. Well - I hadn't EATEN any weed.