girl scout cookies


Well-Known Member
thank you =]

well this bud season ill invest in a 10 megapixel cam or 8 if i cant afford the 10 just as long as it has macro =]

i really have a hard time going without, i get cravings i guess cause i used to smoke cigs before i had enough weed to substitute cigs for weed ...earlier today i was tripping on how it felt like i needed to inhale something

a year without... id only do that if i stopped coughing up resin, i say when it stops coming out and is still going in that's when i know i have a problem


Well-Known Member
if you're coughing up resin daily your flowers aren't clean enough... was so excited this last harvest to not have to buy commercial shit anymore... my smokers cough went away. Smooth smoke makes for minimal coughing and problems like that.


Well-Known Member
its not black resin its like a milk white color

+ added "im pretty sure its smoke particles i check some shit i coughed up under 600x and could see cells in it... i think they are the white blood cells that clean out your lungs ...but fuck for all i know its some kind of bacteria living in my lungs off of weed smoke LMAO"


Active Member
Nice. Looks similar to mine. I'm getting ready to chop mine as well. Finishing in about 60 days. Not a big producer and not certain I'll keep the strain. My diesels and ogs are overpowering the aroma of my garden so can't quite comment on the smell.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Looks similar to mine. I'm getting ready to chop mine as well. Finishing in about 60 days. Not a big producer and not certain I'll keep the strain. My diesels and ogs are overpowering the aroma of my garden so can't quite comment on the smell.
Hell yeah bro know exactly what you mean. Mines actually a pretty descent yielder. I'm happy with it.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
wow what a fucking jerkoff
meh, I don't really blame him too much. He kinda has a corner on the market in his neck of the woods right now.

I live some 400 miles away tho. Didn't think I would be nudging in too much.

He did say yes, now he isn't sure. Still a chance. Guess I'll be in limbo until then.


Well-Known Member
Any these dudes that don't wanna share cuts! Not that I would do it on or through this site but anyone that knows about my garden is generally welcome to any genetics I've got. My white widow I've had the last 4 years has gotten grown by 4 growers in 3 states at various points in the last 4 years. That makes me very proud like being a dad :). It hurts the whole community when people are greedy.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
technically I don't know him and he doesn't know me. Friend of a friend.

so I'll be happy with whatever.

beggars can't be choosers. Still better than ordering shit through mail.