Ghetto Grow from Hell


Active Member
Ok to start with - I am a true paranoid about growing my own stash ! Because of this I wont order any good genetic seeds , grow lights , high end soil or nutes ... to sum it up .. If I cant get it at wal-mart , Freds , or the rural King - I just cant use it :sad: This leaves me very limited to supplies - so I have become very fond of cheap ghetto growing .
On a positive note though .. its amazing what can be done without making any risky orders .. :-P Me and a younger buddy of mine ( jmanchronic on RIU ) set about finding the best way for us to get the dank on the cheap :weed:
We started with a bunch of bagseed from the dankest of the bags we would get throughout the year . We germinated 25 of the healthiest looking seeds and grew them in 40 oz. polarpop cups from fountain sodas ( seemed a shame to waste em ) Vegged em a bit then cut to 12/12 to sex em out. Out of the 25 original we narrowed it down to 7 healthy looking females and transplanted them into a plastic tote and used miracle grow potting mix ( cheap at wallyworld ) and just let em flower . We used a retrofitted pizza pan and household light fixture with 26w cfls .... 5 softwhite with a few daylight bulbs mixed in for a broader spectrum ... 7- 26 watters total for each tote . We used the clip on directional reflectors ( also cheap at Freds and wallyworld ) and the cheap lamp timers ( 4 dollars ea. at walmart ) to keep the lights and minifan on a 12/12 schedule . Now im not saying it's ideal by far .. we got a little nute burn from the MG slow release nutes but it was minor and passed quickly with a good flush - no real harm noted to the final product . We did also have one hermy out on us out in the first run and was down to 6 for final flowering stages .
Currently we have staggered the harvest as some finnished before others , this was expexted with the unknown strands . Most looked indica except for one that looks like a pure sativa . The ones that we have tried and liked we just clipped the buds from them and trimmed the plants down to reveg for mother material and eventually reflowering . By using the numbers and keeping only the best .. we are getting our good genetics ghetto style :blsmoke:

We are currently enjoying some really tasty indica that puts us to mind of some kinda diesel with a heavy dankness that almost seems to coat your throat and tougue ( in a good way ) and it has a good long lasting buzz to it ( its a keeper ) We will eventually start our own strain by breeding our (keepers ) for traits and effects we like . We currently have another tote in veg. mode that has 14 healthy looking plants in it . We are using the same set up but with mostly daylight 26w cfl's and a few softwhite mixed in . We are ready to start germinating the next set now . The idea is to get enough good females in a perpetual grow rotation - that we dont run out of good fresh stash - all ghetto style ...:eyesmoke: I will upload some pics of the newest tote and post them in the next post . We also use the ph nutralizing tabs from the wallyworld fish dept. You put these in your water and they nutralize the water . This seems to work as we had no ph issues throught the veg. and flower stages .

Sooooo , heres what im after .... If you have any tips , suggestions or thoughts that doesnt include having to order anything ( or spend much money ) I would love to hear them . Dont bother dissin our system ..we fully understand how ghetto our grow is ... but we also understand that we are enjoying our own fresh nugs without investing a lot of money . No shame here .. :weed: ... nope , none at all :mrgreen:



RIU Bulldog
Just seems weird to me that you would be too paranoid to order seeds or go to hydroponics store, yet you'd announce online on a public board that you and your friend (who you've also disclosed) are growing weed. I mean if you were truly paranoid you wouldn't join an online grow forum.


Active Member
There are a few shots from the new beans in the latest tote , a few shots of some of the dank before last harvest , and a few general shots of the ghetto set up . Like I said ... any ideas or suggestions on moving forward with the cheap , ghetto , perpetually producing tote grow ... let me know . If you have any shots of your own ghetto grow - feel free to show it off ... no shame in this thread ...Its all about getting the dank without spending a ton for it in my book :clap:



haha man this sounds like my grow 4 26watt 2700k cfls adn 2 6500k cfls with y lightbulb sockets and mg potting soil 4 dollar brinx timer and 4 dollar thermometer/humidity all from walmart and homedepot and usin some reggies seeds =p how much bud did you end up with??


Active Member
posting our progress here with like minded people and not giving a clue as to who I am or where I live is a little less scary than giving my credit card numbers or even a money order and a real address to send the stuff too . Not even the same ballpark . I understand what your saying , but trust me ... If i had to give a real name and where I lives to post here ... wouldnt happen .. just far too paranoid .


Active Member
Thanx for posting I'm glad to see growers growing from scrap.
You don't need to have tons of money I'm actually using plastic bottles to grow my dwc system out of nothing.


Active Member
haha man this sounds like my grow 4 26watt 2700k cfls adn 2 6500k cfls with y lightbulb sockets and mg potting soil 4 dollar brinx timer and 4 dollar thermometer/humidity all from walmart and homedepot and usin some reggies seeds =p how much bud did you end up with??
Its hard to say for sure as we keep smoking it as soon as its cured enough ( and some before that ) but I would guess around an oz. per tote dried and cured . To be honest , I'm getting more than I thought we would from them ... I think all the extra cfl's we run really help make them fatten up . I was kinda worried about the harvest not being worth the trouble because I had seen some really wispy not so dense looking buds from others cfl grows but I truly believe they just didnt have enough consentrated light on them . Hope yours gives you lots of good buds .. long live the ghetto grow : )


Active Member
Thank you both .... maby your right , we should start a ghetto group ! I have some really cool ideas : )


Active Member
ok some fresh pics here .. here is the idea of the perpetual .. you want to get where you have all these stages going at once .. baby beans , vegers , cuttings , mommas , budders , and good buds ... :weed:

Thanks for looking ... to be continued with chips and salsa :shock:



Active Member
I like it ! .. I've never tried a tote on its side before . Is that a current grow ? .. I'd love to follow and see how it works out . I have been toying with the idea of making some cabs for the totes .. but hell your set up with a big one on its end makes it's own cab .. youve got me thinking bro .... fresh ideas is exactly what I started this thread for ..thnx for the input ...rep +



Well-Known Member
I like it ! .. I've never tried a tote on its side before . Is that a current grow ? .. I'd love to follow and see how it works out . I have been toying with the idea of making some cabs for the totes .. but hell your set up with a big one on its end makes it's own cab .. youve got me thinking bro .... fresh ideas is exactly what I started this thread for ..thnx for the input ...rep +

Thanks man, yeah its a current feel free to follow man.....
try to not use clear or see through tubs as they will increase chances of root rot check out my grow in my sig its pretty ghetto