GG GROUP TEST THREAD chem og(a)x ogjoe and platinum og x ogjoe


here is my first test run for Gage green group (GGG) , and i am thrilled. i have 11 platinum og x og joe and i have 9 chem og(a) x og joe.

i am running this just as i do everything else, in my own soil mix with some top-dressed nutes and a pk boost when the plants tell me to. then i close out on molasses and ro water. if you have any questions about anything specific just ask. i will veg under a 400 mh and flower under a 1000 hps, as for the plants.........

i popped the beans already and they germinated to 100 %. great start and they have been in solo cups for 15 days now. in the middle of their life i dropped them all on the floor and broke one of the plat og . that is why there is 11 instead of 12. the chem og (a) x og joe are super fast growers, in seedling stage even......DSC00442 (2797x2098).jpg........they look like they will do some stretching later and be pretty tall, but we will have to see.........DSC00445 (2797x2098).jpg....... all and all i like them thus far. as for the plat............

they are seemingly going to be shorter and they also look real similar across the boards. ......DSC00450 (2797x2098).jpg....not a ton of variation in that strain and up close i think i can see some indica traits........DSC00454 (2797x2098).jpg........hard to tell and when they are side by side they both look like sativa.........DSC00459 (2797x2098).jpgDSC00460 (2797x2098) is a shot off them all together........DSC00457 (2797x2098).jpg........i am so happy to have this gear already and to be sharing here with you all. i will keep the posts coming on this one , even when there is not much to see. just how a test should be.......till then.........stay medicated.....cb420


Well-Known Member
Im subed.! Can i ask you more specific details about your soil mix.?Curious about organic soil mix!


Im subed.! Can i ask you more specific details about your soil mix.?Curious about organic soil mix!
i have one that is all my own and i cant say that people will agree with what i do , but i like my results.........i start with 2 bales of promix and one real large bag of big chunky perlite, and then i add a bag of lobster compost and a cup of wiggle worm castings and a cup of extreme gardener mycos and a half cup of pellted garden manure and thats about all i put in my mix. now when i plant my plants in my finishing pots i put 2 tps of mycos directly in the hole and mix it just a bit so it is not all in one spot but still the roots will grow thru it. then i plant the plants and the i top dress the plants with 3 full tbs of peltetted dolomite lime. after they grow about a week and i see how they do in my mix i top dress again. this time i do it according to how they look. i use pelleted Peruvian seabird guano , and it is a general feed. i use as little as 1 tps on a real efficient plant and up to 2 tbs on the ones who like to eat a lot. i have long since figured out when these foods run outt of my mix and i just add more. i have had the same soil for many years for real. doing things this way require a watering can. it is priceless to get the food the the army around the roots. ro water is a must as there you have it. all the things i have never said before. i know lots will say this is a bad feeding idea, but please wait for the results , or check out them glorious bastards on ggg forums to see my work.....ttyl....cb420


i do add some molasses early and to finsh flowering on and i also do a pk boost around week 5 . use anything you like for a pk boost as long as there is no -n- in the mix. i have used lots of things, but liquid cool bloom works well , but right now i have bloom maximizer by atari or some thing like

i really do hope some jumps in and tries this. it is so damn easy and my plants are all killers


i did a bit of early shaping as i am not topping these plants and i still want shrubs. i take some leaves off real young to push the undergrowth into are some pics......DSC00562 (2790x2093).jpgDSC00563 (2790x2093).jpgbefore the leafing and after.....later y'all ....cb420