Getting watched?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, wondering if anyone has had any experience with being watch by the police? Wondering what you would have to do to warrant the police tapping phone lines, watching emails, texts, listening to calls?

I am sure all of this costs a lot of money so they would only go for the big guys? Or say just anyone who would be sending phone msgs using suspicious words etc... :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
well most dealers around here get caught because their neighbors are always seeing people going in and out and believe it or not they report the shit. And a cop will watch the house and follow people (who bought the dro) miles away then pull them over. Dealer just thinks the guy got unlucky and he keeps on happily selling his medicine. And this will go about until the dealer gets raided and then they go to jail for a very long time.


Well-Known Member
under a lot of new policies enacted since, and including the patriot act, tapping phones, searching cc bills, utility bills, etc. are now warrantless.. enjoy the police state.


Well-Known Member
under a lot of new policies enacted since, and including the patriot act, tapping phones, searching cc bills, utility bills, etc. are now warrantless.. enjoy the police state.
And anyone can be considered a terrorist. . . .

Well you should always have counter intelligence however, so you know the minute the police start watching you. Then you confirm that they are watching and because 24hr survailence is rare you can move an operation quick. Then just go about your normal life. If the police call refer them to your lawyer in a professional manor, NEVER talk to the police. Just be smart and safe . . . :peace:


Well-Known Member
yup, the beauties of the patriot act.. if you are worried about your phone being tapped go get a pre paid phone.. i used to go thru a lot of em lol.. cheap, disposable, untraceable