
Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm only 25 years old live in a small town in Aust but back when I was 16.marijuana was the drug of.choice for all everyone was punching cones now in the last 5 years meth has hit and hit hard its the drug of choice for all the teens from 16 to my age marijuana is starting to fade Into the background for chemically produced crap yet they still make out pot is so bad and forbid you to grow it I think they need to focus more on these harder chemically produced drugs and leave the peaceful placid potheads alone!


Well-Known Member
Haha must say I loved breaking bad but the meth scene was never really big around here up in Melbourne Yeh I know most other countries are under the conception that us Aussie ride kangaroos to work and wrestle crocodiles lol but we actually have thriving city's which Yeh meth is pretty big part of but its just insane that our small countrie towns are now inundated with meth go out to a club and hardly anyone drinks they r all in the toilets "having a burn" its the normal thing to do now people do it socially dunno what ever happened to good old weed even scoring a bag is hard now but u can get meth without even asking

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Is aussie about 10 years behind the US? Meth is still around but not popular at all. Pain killers (pills) are the new thing taking over America. Doctors have become everyone's dealer. Heroine is making a come because of this.


Well-Known Member
Is aussie about 10 years behind the US? Meth is still around but not popular at all. Pain killers (pills) are the new thing taking over America. Doctors have become everyone's dealer. Heroine is making a come because of this.
We are most defiantly behind the trends America seems to set for alot of the world but meth has always been present in our bigger city's like Sydney and Melbourne just recently over the last few years it has become very popular even in small country towns but more popular with younger user 16-25 years old which is pretty disturbing I mean there must be a link in the rise in assaults, robberies, murders etc due to these drugs yet they still focus so heavily on marijuana where I can see yes some people can't handle it and grow tempers but majority of users are peacefull laid back hippie like people which can actually be quite insightful, maybe even more so after a few cones :-P


Staff member
i think it just depends, there are plenty i assume who are for sure just doing marijuana
when i was 16, we smoked weed ...than sadly I MYSELF got into harder drugs and was a drug addict for many years meth, heroin, crack, cocaine ect.
doesnt mean everyone else i grew up with did it either, but as teenagers you all kinda stick around, some would go to the party and smoke meth some would drop some e some would smoke a bong and others would have a beer. such is life


Well-Known Member
In my area of the country there has always been what we call around here
CRANK aka methamphetamine....... back in the day it was distributed by bikers the name of the organization shall remain unsaid........( Hells Angels ) and if you knew some or someone who knew some it was easy to obtain and it was cheap.......can't speak about it now been out of the loop for way to long but going by what I see on the local news the people who are always getting busted for it now aren't bikers.....!


Well-Known Member
Yeah its just almost become the normal thing to do now like it was always considered a hard drug but now its no worse then having a beer or a joint its become completly acceptable I mean what's the world going to look like in another 10 years, usually people start with the "gateway" drug weed now meth is no worse then smoking a joint seems to be the new start point now..


Well-Known Member
I live in a small town in the boonies and meth is EVERYWHERE its sad really

I'm only addicted to dip I like weed every now and then and some liquor is good

But I don't see how people like it I mean its a nasty and awful high I hated it

I tried it once when I was 16ish and It was good for like a hour then BAM I started to go crazy paranoid

Just I didn't see the point of feeling good for an hour then the rest of the day feeling awful

Compared to weed which last hours and the come down is barley noticeable besides wanting to smoke some more lol


Well-Known Member
Totally true I have some mates who will go for days on end then lock them selfs in there houses and block out the outside world I have no idea either why people choose that high


Well-Known Member
I tried it years ago,and it was scary how much you wanted more and more ..what a terrible bullshit substance!! I don't get how anybody would even want to try it anymore.


Well-Known Member
Easiest damn drug ive ever saw to get hooked on, to the point of needing it for function. I thought crack was the devil till i did that 2nd line of ice.....those who come out the other side from the adiction are few.


Well-Known Member
that super organic vegan meth is terrible..ive been locked in a broom closet at a taco bell for a week..i did one bump!!..i had to sell my wife into sexual slavery to purchase the bump,but man im high! vegan meth is the imagejpg_2_10.jpeg devil!