Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow


Well-Known Member
Broke down and bought my first bong today - smoking for 11 years and never purchased a bong. Locally blown 5mm very simple but rugged and practical, not to mention I got a good deal on it.

I had totally forgotten how much higher a decent bong can get you.


Well-Known Member
dam that bitch is pretty! Beautiful fish tank btw, too!

Quick update and then a buncha fish tank photos. Baby plants are soo boring. I swear mine are growing slow as fuck - Damn HID!!! You just can't veg like my CFLs can!


It is comletely over grown atm and needs a heavy trimming so these are not up to date, but they show the initial month and a half progression:

really in need of a trim -

Post trim and a smaller tank that was just set-up using some of the scrap riccia -

Redid my smaller tank with all of the riccia



Well-Known Member
haha! so it was a sunflower seed wasnit! you might want to get that baby out of there before it eats all those nutrients! hehe ... I cannot wait to see them all grow out of this humongous smartpot! you got feminised seeds? Do you think it will be hard to see if you plants need water or not? I guess you can water every other week hehe... I ll tell you what I keep telling myself right these days,... PATIENCE!!!


Well-Known Member
haha! so it was a sunflower seed wasnit! you might want to get that baby out of there before it eats all those nutrients! hehe ... I cannot wait to see them all grow out of this humongous smartpot! you got feminised seeds? Do you think it will be hard to see if you plants need water or not? I guess you can water every other week hehe... I ll tell you what I keep telling myself right these days,... PATIENCE!!!
It does appear to be a sunflower. I'll transplant it into another container but keep it in the tent in a bit.

I'm not real sure how I'm going to do my watering. Right now the soil looses quite a bit of moisture due to the large uncovered surface area - 50 gallons of soil can hold quite a bit but it can also loose quite a bit with just a cloth container. Once the plants are large I'm thinking I can probably dump several gallons of water in there every other day, right now I'm lightly watering around the edges every day and the center every other day. Hopefully I'm maintaining even moisture levels throughout - I really don't want the whole bottom to just be dry or just be sopping but it's kind of hard to know. Outdoors they'll take 5+ gallons a day easy.

I created all but one of the seeds. All of mine should be feminized - lets cross our fingers anyways. I'll be starting some more beans up today - just in case I need replacements.


Well-Known Member
yea good idea to have , it could take a bit to get the hang of what they want. should be fun learning curve. im wondering bout such small plants in so much dirt. i did that in 5 gal buckets and didnt have much luck with it. i hope. lol. good luck with them..


Well-Known Member
That's pretty neat! Me and my room mate were just talking about brewing our own beer, or making wine or something....I'm a sucker for rum though, how hard of a project is that?


Well-Known Member
That's pretty neat! Me and my room mate were just talking about brewing our own beer, or making wine or something....I'm a sucker for rum though, how hard of a project is that?
The brewing and distillation is easy. Getting it to taste good is the hard part.

I can buy 5 gallon buckets (35+lbs) of molasses for $15. The copper tubing was $10 from homedepot, the 5gallon bucket another $5, and I had my stainless steel container and aquarium sealant lying around. Takes about 15 minutes to put it all together.

If you distil plain white sugar wort it will come out fairly sweet with a cotton candy taste. I use really really dark black strap molasses (the type not the brand) so although what you saw coming out was clear it's actually a very very dark rum (just doesn't have the coloring yet). With really really dark rum you want to set it sit a bit, preferable in a wooden cask or with a buncha wood chips to mellow it a bit. My still is similar to this one but I use stainless steel over the paint can.

Brewing beer and wine is fun as well. Wine is the most difficult, then beer, and spirits are the easiest imo. I'm making some watermelon wine right now - curious to see how it turns out.

My first pass product is at least 100 proof - with a second distillation (or if i'm more careful the first time) the proof can go as high as 190. My last second distillation I think was 182 proof - you really had to water it down to drink it.