Fuzzy/cottony growth at base of plants


Active Member
I saw the first sign of mites a few days ago, so I hit everything with neem, sealed up the tent, hung a No Pest Strip, and they saw ruination; upon opening it all the mites were dead/gone, however the humidity had spiked, and I noticed this fluff around the base of a couple plants. Other than this, the plants look to be doing quite well, and I don't see any damage to roots/stems, but it's got me concerned.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, everything is getting turned back on today though, so things should dry out; I'm going to leave the big lights off for a bit longer so temps stay cool if it is a problem; I did a good amount of searching but couldn't find anything... :/



Active Member
Looks like cobweb mold or a mites nest. Probably the mold I would guess.
Definitely seems to be the mold, mites wouldn't travel down, nor towards moisture; from what I've read it's suggested to increase air flow and decrease humidity, and that's already been done; the only other things I saw were fungicide and H2O2. I'm going to see if I can pick up some fungicide later, but for now I'm spraying them down with H2O2 and epsom salts (sulfur).


Well-Known Member
hmm.. i would check again for root gnats or maybe mold.. if its mold it will start affecting the roots soon.


Active Member
hmm.. i would check again for root gnats or maybe mold.. if its mold it will start affecting the roots soon.
Yeah, I'm gonna pick up some fungicide, and I've got a microbial tea brewing to reinoculate as well; definitely not gnats, I've fought them before... I probably hate them even more than spider mites.