Full Moon Scrog +


Well-Known Member
My bad, Smoke report..... A very nice fresh after taste, I like it a lot. Good High but did not last as long as I thought it would,, But it was harvested 2-3 weeks early. I found three premature seeds in the once. Cough-lock but worth it. Over all Full Moon is my second fav strain. The only thing I did not like was the yield.. I got 1 once off of the 1 plant scrog full moon, I got 4 onces off of an Aurora Indica plant grown the same way. The only difference was the Full Moon was grown in a 5 gallon pot and the Aurora Indica was in a 3 gallon pot. Very good weed, I wish I did not smoke it all already. lol I just finished making some canna butter last night, got some eggs at the store today and tonight I'm making green sugar cookies! The green comes from the butter! LOL The butter was made with 35 grams of sweet leaf, NO FAN LEAVES. and it was made with Papaya, White Widow and Full Moon sweet leaf ! I'll let you know how the cookies come out!
I would take some pics of the butter but i can't find my camera!
i just havrested my full moon!! check out my sig if ya wanna see it. my cheonic is 1-2 weeks away as well. im thinkin i got like 3 ounces form my full moon.. had to wait 10 weeks tho.. =/ this is prob my fav. strain so far... i have a shitload of trim.. and im thinkin about makin sum butter as well.... how did u make it?? ive never made it b4


Well-Known Member
i just havrested my full moon!! check out my sig if ya wanna see it. my cheonic is 1-2 weeks away as well. im thinkin i got like 3 ounces form my full moon.. had to wait 10 weeks tho.. =/ this is prob my fav. strain so far... i have a shitload of trim.. and im thinkin about makin sum butter as well.... how did u make it?? ive never made it b4
yea, I'll check your sig out for sure! 10 weeks is more like it should be, I made mistakes during this grow and was forced to harvest early. I have a thread on how to make butter, it is real easy, I recommend using the butter to make chocolate chip & peanut butter cookies, or brownies. Them two seem to cut out the taste better than sugar cookies, or just regular chocolate chip cookies. here is the link for how i made butter. https://www.rollitup.org/cooking-cannabis/329979-how-i-made-my-first.html Good luck


Well-Known Member
hey WolfScott I came across your journal from ENTER THE SCROG and i was curious how long you vegged for before you filled up your screen(i guess also before you started to flower).

Thanks GM


Well-Known Member
hey WolfScott I came across your journal from ENTER THE SCROG and i was curious how long you vegged for before you filled up your screen(i guess also before you started to flower).

Thanks GM
I think it was 5-7 weeks, maybe a little longer,


Well-Known Member
I never used the t5's for flowering, Only for vegging, I used the 400 watt HPS to flower this grow. I've since upgraded to a 1k set up. But You can flower using t5's and still get great results, I used to flower with CFL's


Well-Known Member
I have not been around too much lately , My Mother passed away a few weeks ago and I've been very busy. No time for keeping journals, But I'm still growing. I just built another flowering room, this time I'm using a 1k light with and Adjust a wing reflector,. Flowering some Aurora Indica, this time around, my fav!


Well-Known Member
I have not been around too much lately , My Mother passed away a few weeks ago and I've been very busy. No time for keeping journals, But I'm still growing. I just built another flowering room, this time I'm using a 1k light with and Adjust a wing reflector,. Flowering some Aurora Indica, this time around, my fav!
Sorry about your mother bro, not easy. I glad your growing your fav plant. Ther flowering room sounds fab, I love those adjusta-wing refectors good hoods. I was thinking about getting one myself but they wern't avalible so i ended up with a supernova which i love. I will see ya when things calm down for ya. Peace and stay in touch!


Well-Known Member
The 3 Aurora Indica plants have been flowering for 4 weeks now, and tonight I will be adding another 4 plants also Aurora Indica. I'm going to try and keep a perpetual harvest going every month. I'm using a 1k eye super HPS light bulb with an Adjust A Wing reflector (Bad ASS), with a crop master 10 switchable ballast. I also am using an 8 inch inline fan with a carbon scrubber. The three plants in the pics are in 3 gallon pots and the medium is Black gold organic potting mix. The next 4 plants going in tonight are in 5 gallon pots and I used Happy Frog for a medium this time around. I plan on buying a 7 foot light mover when I can afford it.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:



Well-Known Member
looks great! & i love your dog's name. Aurora, how beautiful. You should post a pic of the little beast :)
This is my dog Aurora Indica! Named after my #1 fav strain of all time Nirvana's Aurora Indica! She is a white german shepherd just about 10 months young!

Some of the pics are from when she was 8 weeks old , through present day!

I may need to start a new journal to keep up with everything I got going on right now! I just bought a 7 foot light mover for my 1000 watt Adjust a wing set up, I want to do a 8 plant scrog but I an still working out how I will set it up...


she looks beautiful against the snow! Good luck on your grow. I'll be checkin in on this thread every once in awhile to see how it's goin