Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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Active Member
When you say you cant see yourself harvesting 20 oz do you mean your plants dont look like they will yield 20 oz or do you mean that its unbelievable to you and you are stoked about yielding so much from 2 plants?


New Member
good morning all worked late last night :)) back to work shortly hope everything is up and up with you wimb
best thing i can say is keep your ph in check and probably just flush again for a few days
who knows plant may be useing some of its stored nutrients for now and will resume to feeding shortly

wimb it will drive you crazy thinking how much your going to get as your well aware off it takes alot of buds to make a pound

but if your set on trying to figure out heres a close figure for you
count all your big buds lets say you got total of 95 big buds so lets say there wet weight is 15 grams per bud

15 x 90 = 1350 wet grams taking all your lower smaller buds giveing them a total of 300 wet grams

1350 +300 = 1650 wet grams total divide by 4 = 412.5 dry grams

its close to 1816 wet grams per pound of dry give or take a few grams


Active Member
You should try the ph perfect AN line on your next G. You shouldent have to worry about the ph just keep your ppm at 400-600 they eat it up. Not all plants can take the high ppm's nuts but i keep mine at 400-600 i get great results. If i go higher they burn a little on the tips. <not good> But your on point and i like what i see lol :)


Rebel From The North
You should try the ph perfect AN line on your next G. You shouldent have to worry about the ph just keep your ppm at 400-600 they eat it up. Not all plants can take the high ppm's nuts but i keep mine at 400-600 i get great results. If i go higher they burn a little on the tips. <not good> But your on point and i like what i see lol :)
Sorry bro but i got to!
Wiimb dont buy into an ph perfect stuff
You get good and flusted start back with
1/4 to 1/2 nitr strength, i dont have the answer
On the 202 i dont live in uk. Got a ? What made
Them lock up bro?


New Member
Sorry bro but i got to!
Wiimb dont buy into an ph perfect stuff
You get good and flusted start back with
1/4 to 1/2 nitr strength, i dont have the answer
On the 202 i dont live in uk. Got a ? What made
Them lock up bro?
pure lazyness and not keeping on top of the nutes and ph:( lesson learned always be on top of them.
its because the last one went so smoothly thought this one would be the same.
this is the h202 im thinking of using :)
thanks for popping in hellraizer appreciate it :-P


New Member
Righ hi all, for people who do know i have nute lock, see problems do happen to everyone :(
So i have done some research and a bit more :mrgreen:
And i am thinking of buying some of this......http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LIQUID-OXYGEN-1-LITRE-BOTTLE-/170727260355?pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&hash=item27c02340c3

i think this will help loads from now on.

so i gave them both a res change and sprayed the heck out of the roots with the shower head and rinsed them through the clay balls as well, then placed them in 15 liters of water plain with them smallest amount of plain original Bleach mixed in. left them to sit in it for 20 mins and i noticed a difference when i changed the water for the second time,(the first pic of the roots were before and the last two were after) they are now in plain 15 liters ph'd water.
so yer they are fully cleaned and flushed and i will add quarter strength nutes in 2 days time Wednesday :-P

Can you let me know weather the look fatter or not???
There plenty of pictures ! ;) :lol::joint::blsmoke::mrgreen::twisted::eyesmoke:bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Seriously, I'm looking for a place to pick up some decent strength h202 myself, all I can find is this shitty ass 3% bullshit. :cry:
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