Fucked Up Story About Laced Weed


Active Member
I was talking to my friend today about some crazy shit that happened to him not too long ago...

A couple of months ago two of my friends were around a well known street in the Seattle area called "The Ave". I guess they had some sudden urge to get some weed so they looked around the area for a while until they found this black dude at a bus stop and asked him if he had any weed. My friend claims this guy looked like Dave Chappelle. Anyways, the guy replies something like, "yeah man I got that fire for you." and motions for some other dude sitting next to him to get up and hand my friend the weed. I think they bought a dime or a dub for a normal price. Somewhere during all of this my friend got this guys phone number. My friend said it looked like normal weed, but didn't smell like it and had a sort of shiny appearance.

So then my friends proceed to go back home and smoke it. My friend smokes less than a nickel and just gets completely fucked. I'm talking some of the craziest shit I've ever heard. Like, "colors I've never seen before", crazy colors in the sky and random lines. He described how at one point he had a sword stuck in his stomach and pulled it out. He said he could feel every inch of it as it came out of his stomach and then his stomach resealed itself and shit. Then for a minute he held the sword like it was a glorious moment. He said it was like concentrating all of your greatest fears into a few hours.

So at this point my friend knew something was fucked up. He ended up in the hospital and the doctor told him that he had smoked marijuana that was laced with PCP and LSD. The doc also said there was a chance that he could've stayed in a permanent psychosis/other serious shit had there been a little bit more or something. Talk about fucked up. The weird thing my friend told me was that after he was tested for PCP and LSD and got a piss test and everything turned back negative, so maybe his body has a weird immunity to it.

He was pretty traumatized from this for like a week straight after. He said he couldn't stay still and would shake a lot. He was coming home from a party at like 2 in the morn a little bit after the incident and had just been talking to another friend on the phone about the laced weed and how messed up it was. As he was waiting for the bus he turns around and what do you know? The Dave Chappelle character that sold him that fucked up weed walking down the street towards him. Mind you, my friend is at least 6' something and damn strong. Definitely not someone you want to fuck with. So as Dave is walking down the street, my friend is eying him the entire time sort of glaring at him. Dave notices him and says something like, "Oh whiteboy is back for more huh?" and my friend replies kind of silently, "fuck you". This Dave guy walks towards him, gets all up in his face and starts messing with him, saying shit like, "whiteboy can't handle that shit, you bitch, you can't handle it! i'll jack you boy, just watch!" My friend happened to have just gotten back from a trip to Canada so he had like $300 in his back pocket. This Dave dude jams his hand into my friend's pocket and tries to take his shit. My friend jams his own hand into his pocket to try to stop him and is then instantly punched in the throat out of nowhere by this Dave lookin guy. Lucky he didn't get punched in the adam's apple. My friend is sort of curling over gasping for air when he realizes their's no way in hell he's gonna let this guy jack him. My friend gets up and grabs the other dude's head and knees him in the head so hard that blood flies everywhere and his own jeans are soaked in blood. So by now Dave is on the ground having been completely fucked up by my friend and my friend realizes what he has done. He doesn't know what to do so he turns the other way and just books it as fast as he can without looking back.

Hasn't seen him since then, but I know if I had done something like that to someone that crazy, I would be scared for my life if I ever saw him again. You don't know if that guy would pull a gun or what the hell he would do you or what people he rolls with...


Active Member
your mate was right to fuck him up
messing around with weed like that is not on.
fucking crack dealers pure cowards and all mouth


Well-Known Member
i don't understand the idea of lacing weed. you said he bought it for normal prices so why would a dealer lose money by adding other drugs? He was right to bust that crack head in his dome. +2 cents


Active Member
dude that is fucked up. ur friend just dissapered or did u see him again
No, I've seen my friend. I meant my friend hasn't seen the dealer since the last incident.

i don't understand the idea of lacing weed. you said he bought it for normal prices so why would a dealer lose money by adding other drugs? He was right to bust that crack head in his dome. +2 cents
This is probably a rare case. But in most cases, dealers you don't know don't give a fuck about you and so they'll do whatever, but in this case I don't understand the logic... The guy meant harm, there's no doubt about that... I've heard stories on here about some kid who wanted to by an ounce of coke and the guy he bought it from cut it with a shit load of birth control...just for fun I guess...

would have stayed there and said he was trying to mug me
you gotta understand this was really late at night in a not so safe part of downtown... there was only 2 fat ass retard ladies sitting on a bench from what he could tell and no one else in sight.

Just lol.

Know your dealer, s'all i can say..
Yup, that's what I told him and he knew he shouldn't have done it, but I guess he just wanted to try his hand at random anyway... He didn't know how bad the shit would be though...


Active Member
now thats fucked up you gotta know your dealer there are asians down here who do all sorts of shit to the weed that gets around


Well-Known Member
If he didnt test positive for it then it was something else, even if your body has an immunity to something you may not get fucked up but you will still test positive for it. It was probably mixed with salvia, a legal herb that will make you trip harder than almost anything but only for a matter of minutes. That's what happened to me, some piece of shit mixed my bowl with it and it had that shiny appearance youare talking about, and i started tripping balls, thought i was for sure on pcp or lsd or something like that, but this was when i first started smoking weed and I have done lsd and have seen people on pcp and it doesnt fuck you up like that. One way to find out is to go buy some salvia cause its legal smoke a bunch and see if its the same, it isnt bad for you hence why its legal, and might solve your mystery. Make sure its real tho and not tobacco, some people cut tobacco up and try and pass it off as salvia. If your lucky you find the actual leaves of the plant. Not sure but hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
The general idea of lacing shit is that weed isn't addictive. Other drugs are and chances are you only know once place to get the same shit again.


Well-Known Member
i don't understand the idea of lacing weed. you said he bought it for normal prices so why would a dealer lose money by adding other drugs? He was right to bust that crack head in his dome. +2 cents
The only reason i could see for lacing the weed is either he just wanted to fuck wit somebody or he was trying to get the friend hooked on something stronger so the friend would come back and ask for some stronger shit and the dealer would reap the profit.


Well-Known Member
dude, if you are going to tell a story and lie, at least make sure the facts are accurate in the story. Im not saying that you are a lier but someone must have lied to you.

First of all.... lets see, LSD cant really be laced with weed. Well you could dose a nugget with some drops but then if you smoke the nug the lsd would be lost. The only way to dose with a nugget would be to eat the nug or keep it in your mouth and let the acid absorb into your system. So that would be the first thing wrong with the story.

PCP on the other hand can be laced with weed. I really don't think this would be the case either. maybe, but it doesn't make weed shiney. I don't think the kid that got the bud really know what bud looks like if he gets way fucked up off a 5er. He could think it was 'shiney' if it was covered in trichomes. If it had a high thc content too it was obviously pontent. That could lead to his 'tripping'

I really don't think any doctor would say that: we know that you are on lsd and pcp. Those things are hard to identify by just looking at someone and don't show up in a drug test. hhhmmm, just sounds really fishy. The story is probably just exaggerated quite bit.

Noobs to smoking pot always think that their pot is laced because they have a low tolerance and no real experience with ganj. So they toke up and start 'trippin' and they assume that the weed was laced with LSD.... go figure..


Well-Known Member
Lacing of weed occurs when the weed has had all of the trics tumbled from it and it is basically then total crap.
It also happens in rarer cases when certain pushers wanna get you addicted to stronger stuff by spiking it into your weed:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
and the other thing is the price factor. No one is going to waste money on 'playing a trick on someone and lacing their bud' come on. Your buddy bought either a 10 or 20 sac. See he doesn't even know how much weed he bought. First red flag. I can tell you every bag I bought for the last week. No prob. Im not that much of a braindead stoner.

So he got this 10 or 20 bag and someone is going to give him free drugs with that??? PCP and LSD cost money. So I dont get that one whatsoever. out of 10 bux he is going to give you 10 bux worth of weed and then free LSD and PCP on top of that? NOT!!

The only time I have heard of people getting laced weed is when one person laced and and smoked it with an unsuspecting friend. Then they get all fucked up. But no on ever lacing weed and selling it for the same price as unlaced weed. Does this make sence to you???


Well-Known Member
Lacing of weed occurs when the weed has had all of the trics tumbled from it and it is basically then total crap.
It also happens in rarer cases when certain pushers wanna get you addicted to stronger stuff by spiking it into your weed:blsmoke:
come on man.I know you are really smart about mj and a great grower but no one is going to get you addicted to laced weed. First he was on a bus stop and I dobut he is ALWAYS there you know. So if he got you addicted to the laced weed how would he sale you more? Well, I guess they did supposedly get his number but still....

The kid that got the sack doesn't even buy much weed anyways if a 5 sak gets him loaded.

How would you get addicted to stronger stuff if you could not even identify what the stronger drug even is? You would just think it was weed. Maybe laced weed but not really know what the other subtance is.

This story is BUNK...


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't think pcp is addicting enough to make this poor kid going from smoking a 5sack a month to using PCP all the time. Come on guys really?!?!


stays relevant.
I dunno... it costs money to lace shit... and I don't see a profit in lacing weed with a psychedelic, as they tend to not be addictive, and leave the end user with a sour taste about purchasing from that person again...

Maybe dave thought your friend had it comin to him....?