Fucked my PH


Well-Known Member
so i started with a 7.2 -7.5 ph mix, and then mixed half in half with soil from my backyard which i have not tested.... and my filter water ranges 6.8-7.1 totally tested my drippings today with upward p.h of 8.6!! sooooo help? i plan on doing what worked las time and transplant into a 6.3 soil mix that im in love with and half dirt from my backyard, trust me last time i did this all my plants just blew up back to health with vigorous growth!! only thing is my medium last time was straight up 7.2-7.5PH range not half half with dirt from my backyard... so i hope the ph drop will be enough.. proably just do a 1/3 dirt 2/3 soil mix...

anyways apart from my rambling any short term ph dropping techniques with something i may already have around my house or in my grow supplies? what about my 7.0 and 4.0 solutions for my ph meter calibration?


Ursus marijanus
Vinegar might actually work against you. Soil microbes would go to town on it. Gardeners use aluminum sulfate ... it's like a muzzled inorganic acid. cn


Well-Known Member
Pumert - Yes, raw and unfiltered vinegar are the same thing....and it has worked for me in organic gardening for years. However, it is much more short term (and quicker acting) than sulfur.

SS - You don't know what you are talking about. Dolomite Lime INCREASES pH.

the formula

yo they are right don't use lime! if soil microbes would go to town on vinegar wouldn't that be a good thing! everybody should be using beneficial microbes and the more the merrier. any body out there want a badass humic acid and complete myco combo u can get a four solution sample at www.microbelifehydro.com or org not sure. its completely free I sent them to other peoples houses to so I have like 3 sample packs. the stuff is amazing if you don't know about humic acid and beneficial bacteria nows the time your shit will blow up with this and its not a fertilizer you cant burn you just ad it to your regular feedings. some humic acid would actually help lower your ph a little. Kelp4less.com has all the organic plant crap you cud need with free shipping on everything. not a commercial just some info. the stuff has really helped my 4 week old aurora indicas are freaking beasts.