Fuck yes. Bacon.


Well-Known Member
Well, looks like I'm going to have a blt for lunch after reading this.
I cook bacon on my gas grill, keep all that grease and mess outside with no pan to clean. Works great.


Active Member
Awww, now i have to go make a bacon sandwich.
But whats with bacon in the U.S it's not real bacon is all that streaky rasher nonsense, when I was working in L.A a few years ago couldn't find real bacon for love nor money.
A real bit of bacon should look like this.

Sorry for the dirty finger nails, I have been planting seeds today.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
when i cook bacon i like to pour the grease in a coffee can between panfulls. less splatter that way. then it hardens in the can and i wonder what my arteries must look like. it's depressing. but yeah. bacon is the shit.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've microwaved bacon b4 ,but i did it the wrong way ! I put it on a dinner plate set the microwave for 2 minutes and went outside.While outside I got side tracked then all of the sudden I heard what sounded like a shotgun blast in the house and my wife scream.
I go running inside to find that the dinner plate exploded with enough force to blow the door open and shatter the plate spraying bits of plate and bacon arcross the room .If someone was standing in front of that they would have been in bad shape. I know how to do it the right way now but I refuse to ever put bacon in the microwave. Heed this warning! look up how to microwave bacon.