Fuck Grass City.


Hey guys. I was a member on Grass City for a while and all I learned is it was full of arrogant immature kids. I experienced warnings and infractions for speaking my mind to the self righteous over there. Too much mainstream trolling and less respect than is deserved. I would consider myself an experienced or seasoned toker and believe I have great information to provide this forum with.

So with a fresh start, this is post #1 in hopes of the right information benefiting the right people. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
well that sounds like this site pretty much best way to guide yourself around here is to avoid the troll and the mods.

well there are a few good mods around but for the most part anything goes on this site so dont expect too much from the community but we do have a better color scheme


Well-Known Member
:weed:Welcome but be warned the trolls are among us. Just ignore them an move on to a different topic. Works good for me.
Yo I swear some of those lil kids are soooooo lucky I can't get my hands around their fat sausagie necks lol I like it over here in grown up land as well haha