FREE light bulbs...again.


New Member
Hold up though.. This must be a scam. They are FREE?

Why on earth would a company just randomly give away free lights? Even if it was to make their business known, how could they just throw all of that money away if they aren't a successful business? This makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm kind of wary of giving these people my info....


Well-Known Member
JAYGEE said he got his on the first page...

I still just can not believe this though.
like ya said, somthing aint right to be giving them away. are they that good?? to want to give them away. i whouldnt myself. free bulbs wtf, never heard of such thing


New Member
like ya said, somthing aint right to be giving them away. are they that good?? to want to give them away. i whouldnt myself. free bulbs wtf, never heard of such thing

Yeah it's just too good to be true.. I'm not giving them my info.. I ain't beat.


Well-Known Member
I too put in an order... What could it possibly hurt ? Hopefully I get a free MH light Bulb !!!
Thanks for the original Link, regardless if it works. Thanks for looking out !!



Well-Known Member
right on, any clue if they have conversion bulbs i only have a hps ballast

I didn't see a MH conversion listed, but hey, a free HPS.............

Thanx for the heads up!!!! I just placed the order for another MH bulb. I can ALWAYS use a back-up!!!! I'll post if and when I get it!!! Thanx again!


New Member
I didn't see a MH conversion listed, but hey, a free HPS.............

Thanx for the heads up!!!! I just placed the order for another MH bulb. I can ALWAYS use a back-up!!!! I'll post if and when I get it!!! Thanx again!
Yea good luck with that!!!

No one else has received anything....but i'm sure you will :mrgreen:

Look at how old this thread one else has received anything.


Well-Known Member

I called the Company today, and found out that the online form has problems as of friday, so ya'll might not get the bulbs. I gave the dude all my info, but he didn't want to send me a freebie. he WAS, however, willing to send me a case of 6 for 167.94 (Plus shipping and handling) that he would gladly take back if I wasn't satisfied. (Good luck getting them to credit my card back)
SO.............In a nutshell, don't hang around the mailbox waitin' on that bulb. It more than likely aint coming!


Well-Known Member

Go figger! I got my bulb!!!!! It came FedEx today. It's true!!!! Edit :OK, I just opened the box. Here is what was in it

So I guess I didn't waste 2 minutes of my time filling out the form. Even when I called them, the dude wasn't really enthusiastic about sending out a free bulb. I never did give dude my CC number, but I got a $167 plus tax box of MH bulbs FREE!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
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Well-Known Member
so ypu called, they wanted to sell you more??? you refused? then they sent it to you anyways? free?? no invoice in the mail? those look plastic
