Fox Farm Ocean Forest....What ph?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, got mothers from a friend and have them in some fox farm forest blend mixed with some perlite. When watering my nutes of choice to add are earth juice grow and bloom but I am unsure as to what my ph should be, know soil is usually 7.2 annd hyrdo around 5.8 but the bottle only has the hydro ph's listed and not the soil. Anyhow if someone could get back to me and let me know what the Ph should be it would be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
Hey man I'm pretty new to this scene. But I have done some very deep research before I started and so far I'm having great results using the same soil. Foxfarms website says the ocean forest soil is ph balanced at between 6.7 or 6.8. From everything I have read and that is days worth of research almost everyone says to keep the ph under 7. So far I am 2 weeks in from germination to about 3 to 4 inches tall and all working on their second set of leaves. I've kept my ph at 6.9. And all plants are in perfect condition so far nice healthy roots and everytime I look at them they seem to have grown. Just watch your ppm and keep your ph under 7 and you should be fine. If you don't have a meter get one and adjust your ph as needed.


Well-Known Member
nice, thanks bro. Been keeping them at like 7.2 and there looking decent but not exactly as good as I would like them to be. Hopefully this does the trick!


Well-Known Member
I use distilled water with FF OF and never bother with Ph checking and have done an LA woman and bublle gum that came out fine.


Well-Known Member
The "standard" that growers (more new ones then old ones) go by is 7.0 PH. However at 7.o your plants dont uptake certain nutrients properly, I know Mg is one of them I think Cal might be around there too. Between 6.5 and 6.8 your plants can uptake all nutrients properly for soil. I know other ppl said 6.7-6.8 or whatever but none of them took the time to explain why (maybe they didnt know, but now they do :D)

Edit: And Im watching weeds now and just saw the shot from your avatar lmao. I watch that series over and over :D