fluffy ass bud...why????

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
My sativa produces fluffier buds than my indica. Still super sticky and smokes nicely.

I wouldn't fret about why they are fluffy.

CFL's are fine, but the management required for them leaves a lot of variables. Is your intake to your room relatively filtered? I am more likely to believe you had a herm than pollen randomly got in. Whether you checked or not, it is hard to find a single herm node on a plant, so easy to miss.

I am sure your bud is fine, but the easiest way to get dense bud is to get a dense strain and some HID lighting. Not saying you can't get dense buds with CFL's and a Sativa, just saying you are kinda making it harder for yourself if that is what your goal is. If your goal is good bud, then you are already there.


Well-Known Member
nice setup, how many u got there? how many total watts? i have 18 40w-42w 2700k-3000k cfls and 1 strong fan blowing cool air in, its enough to keep heat ok for me, but i live in a basement and i have an opening in the front where the top drawer would be that the warm air displaced by my fan vents out. maybe get something that makes cool air that u can blow into the area if the air your pulling in isnt cool enough. (the temp of the air going in on mine is like 55f but it also means the fan has to be switched out w/a m,uch weaker smaller fan more passively placed on a 1/2 hour on 1 hr off during lights out to avoid freezing em. 60-65f is around the avg temp during lights out, for me. whats yours? u got a grow journal? cuz im really interested in your set up and grow and would like to compare mine to it. what do u use to keep your cfls in place? how do you have em mounted? looking forward to your response! -dark


Well-Known Member
When using cfl's light management is everything. You really do have to babysit them more than if using hps or mh. Ideally you need easier access and the ability to raise your lights as little as 1/4" at a time and enough spacing between plants to drop lights down into the canopy without burning. Do this and you will see decent results.
tying the plants also helps immensley, cfl a little to close? instead of moving the light and probally having to adjust your whole setup instead get a piece of string and make the plant go where u want it. imo makes cfl management 50 times easier.


Well-Known Member
nice setup, how many u got there? how many total watts? i have 18 40w-42w 2700k-3000k cfls and 1 strong fan blowing cool air in, its enough to keep heat ok for me, but i live in a basement and i have an opening in the front where the top drawer would be that the warm air displaced by my fan vents out. maybe get something that makes cool air that u can blow into the area if the air your pulling in isnt cool enough. (the temp of the air going in on mine is like 55f but it also means the fan has to be switched out w/a m,uch weaker smaller fan more passively placed on a 1/2 hour on 1 hr off during lights out to avoid freezing em. 60-65f is around the avg temp during lights out, for me. whats yours? u got a grow journal? cuz im really interested in your set up and grow and would like to compare mine to it. what do u use to keep your cfls in place? how do you have em mounted? looking forward to your response! -dark
I guess I have 28 CFL's. I have a total of 40.000-45.000 lumens. I hope this plant will be done soon coz I can not do to many things in that closet. She is just all over. I didnt know that is such a huge sativa ... (bugseed) ... after she's done I wanna change my setup a little bit. I wanna make a bigger tent right in the corner so I have more height coz I wanna grow 3-4 Super Lemon Haze.

I dont have a grow journal but if you look into my profile you can see a lot more pics (from the beginning).


Well-Known Member
Ye, I grow with CFL's but I have ton of theme. I have over 40.000 lumens. so it is almost the same like a 400w HPS
As soon as I read the title I said " I bet he's growing with CFL's"

Sure enough...

Get a real light and you will understand what I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
I am planing on buying a 400w HPS for my next grow...but i dont think that the CFL`s are bad. take a look to the pics and you'll see that is not bad. they are doing a good job. The problem that I have now is space...


Well-Known Member
agreed! dont bash cfls! it only shows your ignorance of how to use them right! hps is not always better, it depends on your set up and what your grow plan is(you do plan ahead, dont you?). im not bashing hid btw, i believe u shouldnt bash anything just cuz its not what you like! u coulda said he should get an hps, not "get a real light".


Well-Known Member
agreed! dont bash cfls! it only shows your ignorance of how to use them right! hps is not always better, it depends on your set up and what your grow plan is(you do plan ahead, dont you?). im not bashing hid btw, i believe u shouldnt bash anything just cuz its not what you like! u coulda said he should get an hps, not "get a real light".
That is true. I actually planning on combinning HPS and CFL. it is a lot more spectrum


Well what is the temperature in your grow room with lights on? Temps above 85 is more likely to produce fluffy bud, also if you didn't have enough airflow, a constant exhause and a constant intake of fresh air is needed, especially in a tiny-ass closet. As for the seeds, if you're sure they were not hermies, then it's probably some kind of stress you're putting on your plant that you haven't explained to us.


Well-Known Member
If there is any stress that I put on theme.....I'll like to find out too ...

about the intake, it is true, I dont have any intake but I have 3 fans blowing air on them 24/7 and a exhause fan 24/7 as well


Well-Known Member
ive heard and have had a little bit experience with colder temps during lights out to make em real dense and increase trichrome production. worked for me pretty good


Well-Known Member
i've put an intake from the A/C which blows on top of the plant (there was the heat prob). Now I have an average of 80-82 degrees on top of the plat and 73-75 everywhere else. Should that be alright?
and in the "night" time there are 68-70.


Well-Known Member
i've put an intake from the A/C which blows on top of the plant (there was the heat prob). Now I have an average of 80-82 degrees on top of the plat and 73-75 everywhere else. Should that be alright?
and in the "night" time there are 68-70.


Well-Known Member
i've put an intake from the A/C which blows on top of the plant (there was the heat prob). Now I have an average of 80-82 degrees on top of the plat and 73-75 everywhere else. Should that be alright?
and in the "night" time there are 68-70.
It might just be the strain. My room temps stay between 72 and 78, and my water temp is 65. I have two 70 watt HPS and two 20 watt floresent tubes. Total lumens are about 13,000, but my buds are dense. The top kola is 8 inches tall by 2.5 to 3.5 inches in diameter. The entire plant is 33 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
agreed! dont bash cfls! it only shows your ignorance of how to use them right! hps is not always better, it depends on your set up and what your grow plan is(you do plan ahead, dont you?). im not bashing hid btw, i believe u shouldnt bash anything just cuz its not what you like! u coulda said he should get an hps, not "get a real light".
I provide medicine for people that are in serious need. Some of my patients are dying of cancer. I don't want people mislead with misinformation.

I wouldn't consider myself ignorant when it come to growing pot but maybe I am. Why don't you go down to your local headshop and buy the latest June issue of High Times and read my article on how to harvest a pound every three weeks. After you read the article you can decide if you think I'm ignorant or not...

CFLs are fine for clones and veg but not for flowering. HPS lights are better than CFLs for flowering.

A vented hood and fan will keep any HPS light cool to the touch. They make HPS lights as small as 150W that work perfect in a small grow area.

I have a 250W MH that has the ballast built into the hood. I use it for my veg plants. It works great!

I use HO Fluorescents for my clones. HO fls are made specifically for growing plants.

Check out the photos. If you want buds that look like this you need a real light... Trust me bro!!!!



Well-Known Member
i didnt mean u dont know anything, just u dont know how cfls work best cuz your obviously using hid, and dont seem to have very much cfl experience. ed rosenthal (probally spelled wrong) even says cfls are better in certain situations. u took what i said personal when u shouldnt of


Well-Known Member
I provide medicine for people that are in serious need. Some of my patients are dying of cancer. I don't want people mislead with misinformation.

I wouldn't consider myself ignorant when it come to growing pot but maybe I am. Why don't you go down to your local headshop and buy the latest June issue of High Times and read my article on how to harvest a pound every three weeks. After you read the article you can decide if you think I'm ignorant or not...

CFLs are fine for clones and veg but not for flowering. HPS lights are better than CFLs for flowering.

A vented hood and fan will keep any HPS light cool to the touch. They make HPS lights as small as 150W that work perfect in a small grow area.

I have a 250W MH that has the ballast built into the hood. I use it for my veg plants. It works great!

I use HO Fluorescents for my clones. HO fls are made specifically for growing plants.

Check out the photos. If you want buds that look like this you need a real light... Trust me bro!!!!
Those are some really good buds, but if you look to the pics that I posted to, my buds arent to bad ether. This sativa that I have now has 6 colas over 9 inch long and 7-8 inch diameter. and those have been grew with CFL's. So I still think that the CFL's can do a good job. I also think that HPS is better for flowering than CFL. But I dont think that is write to say that if you want good buds you need HPS.
You can have good buds with CFL's too. Prob not that dense and sticky like the HPS, but decent for the money


Well-Known Member
i didnt mean u dont know anything, just u dont know how cfls work best cuz your obviously using hid, and dont seem to have very much cfl experience. ed rosenthal (probally spelled wrong) even says cfls are better in certain situations. u took what i said personal when u shouldnt of
Yo, I don't know if you've realized, but StinkBud knows what he's doing. Just because he uses a HID now doesn't mean he doesn't have experience with CFLs. He just prefers his HPS and MH... I'm sure he used CFLs when he was just a noob like us, but moved on to bigger and better lights. HID lighting is easily the best lighting option out there, but sometimes CFLs just work out better for us personal growers. He grows for a dispensary so medical marijuana patients can ease their pain. I wanna move my wife out to Cali for this specific reason, because she is terminally ill and pot helps. If you checked out StinkBud's thread you'd see just how much he grows. That, my friend, is why he uses HID.

Anyways, that's enough of that. I'm not kissing his ass, I'm just wise enough to realize when to take advice and shut my fat ass mouth when someone wiser, or more knowledgeable, than I says something. I see StinkBud all over this website helpin' people out. I've learned a lot from him myself, as well as from other horticultural elders.

Hey trombon84, nice grow man... Hey, if they're fluffy who gives a fuck... They have some awesome size (in comparison to your lighter) and if it smokes good then you did your job. Who knows, it may just be the strain. Do you, bro.