Flowering time


Active Member
When a plant is described as ready in 9 weeks does the 9 weeks start when you turn on 12/12 or when the plant starts showing sex in flower.


Well-Known Member
it depends but i doubt highly the entire plants maturity finishes at the end of 9 weeks unless its an auto-flowering strain... if it says flowering time: 9 weeks and its not an auto-flowering strain then they are not including the vegetive cycle only the budding cycle... even then the breeder of the seed says 9 weeks to keep you on your toes... it might take 9 weeks but it most likely will go over that to fully mature.... it happens often, good luck


Active Member
the only real way to tell if a plant is truly mature is by observing the THC trichomes under a magnifying glass.

if they have mushroom heads they are most likely ready to be harvested. bongsmilie