flowering time + reps


Well-Known Member
If you keep it under 48 hrs then generally stretching is not an issue. But there are some strains that will. Even if I do get some stretch it is still worth it to me. Can take a week or two off flowering time.


Well-Known Member
sativa takes a looooong time and isn't really the best for a noob.
Did you check to see if you have a light leak? If light gets in you growroom, when flowering, it will stunt the growth, an perhpaps cause it to go hermie, but to answer your question, if you have pestils happening, then you should start to see buds forming in another week and a half to 2 weeks, keep strong bro it's all a waiting game.
just keep doing what you're doing and check your grow room when the lights are off, to make sure no light leaks.
happy growing bro
i have no light leaks . i was just wondering when my plant will start getting clusters of pistils because i only see a few and thats about it but i want a white pistily covered plant , and then buds to start . thats why i was asking for a guestimate of it . my plants a female and i make sure all holes are covered and etc when i go and check on it because its on my way home that i stop and check on it .


Well-Known Member
If you keep it under 48 hrs then generally stretching is not an issue. But there are some strains that will. Even if I do get some stretch it is still worth it to me. Can take a week or two off flowering time.

wish i would of known that im already 4 weeks in 12/12 and i got my pistils starting but damn next time when i try white shark. thats my next step