Flowering Stage (5-6 weeks) still no sign of bud


Active Member
Basically, we're about 6 weeks into flowering, growing arjans haze 3 indoor using a 400 watt hps light. And we've still got no sign of buds, And was wonderin what i should be looking for for early signs of budding. Also jst recently the inner leaves have started wilting quite badly and going yellow, but the outer leves, stems etc are looking quite healthy, gna try n get some pics up but until then any advice will be quite helpful.

cheers in advance


Active Member
Well, its been changed onto the 12/12 for the past 6 weeks, n there is a small gap where the light is leaking from but we cudnt think of a solution because we need easy access to view the plants, and also the plants themselves are still growing quite well, but jst no signs of bud. Do you think if we covered up where the light leeaks out with some reflective sheetin, that might solve the problem?


Well-Known Member
yes. the plant only needs a half a foot candle to revert to veg. 2-3 weeks should have been pistols and bud sites galore. 6 weeks with nuthing is not good. has to 100% light proof.


Well-Known Member
lumens. light measured in foot candles. so basically a very very dim light source can keep it in veg. have you checked for male sacs?


Active Member
well there are small hairs on the internodes does that not mean that they are female? and durin the night the room is completely blacked out. anythin else that might be causin it to stay in vegetative.. cos tht does seem to be the problem.. wud stunted growth earlier in the grow maybe cause them to stay in vegetative?


Well-Known Member
Basically, we're about 6 weeks into flowering, growing arjans haze 3 indoor using a 400 watt hps light. And we've still got no sign of buds, And was wonderin what i should be looking for for early signs of budding. Also jst recently the inner leaves have started wilting quite badly and going yellow, but the outer leves, stems etc are looking quite healthy, gna try n get some pics up but until then any advice will be quite helpful.

cheers in advance
Haze takes a while to start blooming. Mine started showing pistols in 3 weeks when the others were fat. Looks to me that you have a pheno thats taking a while. Are your others budding or is it just the haze thats being held back.


Well-Known Member
6 weeks without budding/ c'mon
Well now... That's what I'm trying to get at - Is it an occurrence on all the plants or just the Haze? He came in here for help and that's what we're trying to provide. Although there are certain things that need to be asked. Now if his other plants are flowering than we've narrowed it down.

C'mon - LoL


Well-Known Member
i have arjons ultra haze #1 put in darkness for 72 hours no light at all i have even done it with super skunk it takes 2/3 week for plant to realise that it is going into flower this speeds this up alot faster but if you do this water in darkness same ammount of light has moon would give off.i only just started to see bud formationn on top when i had a good look little nugs all over mind you two of the a.u.haze are6/7ft tall could i take top of at end of 8/10week when plants are done and give smaller4/5ft plants a bit more of a blast of light.go easy have a stoned boxing day


Well-Known Member
i have arjons ultra haze #1 put in darkness for 72 hours no light at all i have even done it with super skunk it takes 2/3 week for plant to realise that it is going into flower this speeds this up alot faster but if you do this water in darkness same ammount of light has moon would give off.i only just started to see bud formationn on top when i had a good look little nugs all over mind you two of the a.u.haze are6/7ft tall could i take top of at end of 8/10week when plants are done and give smaller4/5ft plants a bit more of a blast of light.go easy have a stoned boxing day
Also give em 5.5ph superthrive and 1ml of buddy for every ltr of water check makesure your growroom is total blacked out go to green house on you tube they have a section on arjons ultra haze 3 good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that this strain budds for 10/12wks so if your doing everything right 12on 12off don't worry plenty of time yet.are there any white hairs appearing?


Well-Known Member
Great info and I can testify to that because the strain I'm growing now "Cali Haze" took 3 weeks to show last time around and 14 weeks flower. Does anyone know if the other plants the poster specified are flowering or exhibiting the same symptom as his haze strain by not showing any bloom progress?


Active Member
I don't think you get it.... Your girl needs absolute darkness to flower. PITCH BLACK. There is no reason you need to go in your grow room when they are 'sleeping'. Cover up where you know you have light coming in. Why make excuses? Go to the grow faqs, you'll see.


Active Member
There is no light gettin in at night we are currently only flowering one strain, so both plants are in the same situation... we think were starting to see some pistols but as we are unexperienced, we aren't entirely sure, if anyone could link me a picture of pistols tht wud be great, in the meantime, ill try and get some pictures of my own, but i dont kno where my cam cable is so it might take a whle thanks for the help....

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
first ur gonna get a little node (not the lil cat ears-type growth but should be next to it) at the base of new clonable growth(u may find it 1/4-1/2 way down the main stem)and still you wont know until it decides to stretch(f) or stay stubby then multiply into balls(m). its all experience of an experience. also have someone lock u inside and do a light leak check pronto! -slow motion-