Flowering sexing

Can anybody tell me if this is a sign of sex? Never flowered a plant before, it's 9th day of 12/12 now used fluros for the first 7 days and just got a 150w hps on it yesterday, noticed this on the top main branch and wasn't sure if it's a preflower or not anybody able to tell me?



Well-Known Member
Looks female..but honestly hard to tell from these pictures. Give it another week or so..I've had plants that didn't sex until 2 weeks into 12/12..patience a a virtue with these plants my friend.


Well-Known Member
My Alaskan Thunderfuck and Bubonic's all preflowered 6 female and one strong ass male, marking them and putting them back into veg...I presex to determine if they are worth my time and $$$