florida outdoor and indoor


New Member
Make sure you clean your couch up a bit. Your going to be spending some time sitting in it me thinks..... indica.





New Member
The redistribution of BUD wealth.
If you vote for Obama you MUST share your BUD with me!! :weed:


Enjoy u dirty Republican!! :-o



Well-Known Member
wow i fuckin hate miami. someone stole my sativa. i hope they fuck it up drying and get spider mites and mold and get a lung infection when they try to smoke that premature shit. assholes.


Active Member
Bummer dude. You need to setup booby-traps like pitfalls, poison arrows, the old trick where you bend a big tree branch way back and rig it to the sativa... Fuckers...


Well-Known Member
ya i was just thinking of hanging fish hooks (the ones with 3 prongs) from the trees around my gate. but i cant cause i live with people and i dont want someone to get hooked by accident. watever, i still got my plants inside nobody's touching that.


Well-Known Member
i think that if you setup a trap, esp one that hurts sum1, its a bad charge. becuz technically you're trapping humans. which is fucked up. just get a green house, and put a lock on it. this kind of shit happens all the time. just set up a webcam in the greenhouse, and run an extended usb cord to a computer in the house. (bury the cable) and run a program that records a certain amount of movement. that way you wont have to watch hours of video, just have a copy of whatever happens in your grow room. just be sure to shut it off b4 you ever enter. this way you can see who the hell went in if sum1 went in. in florida you can shoot ppl if you dont want them on your property. florida is nutz.


New Member
Miami or not, u just stated the root cause...... too many ppl knew about it.

Silence is golden ....

Good luck!!

out. :blsmoke: