fixing a cracked flood tray

Well-Known Member
I have one of those 2'x2' white flood trays. It has a crack in it, anybody know the best way to fix it. I was thinking plastic epoxy or tub caulk


Well-Known Member
When it comes to cracked plastic and water it is best to replace it. You can try epoxy and it may work for awhile. You might try the glue they use for acrylic if it will stick to your type of plastic because it is actually supposed to melt the plastic together and that should make a fairly strong bond. You might try a plastic liner but that is the only things I can think of right now.


New Member
You could use a plastic welder with ABS. ;-) It would probably be cheaper to buy another tray though.

Any decent hydro shop should sell an epoxy.


Well-Known Member
u could try fiberglass patch like u would use to repair body damage on a car they sell it at alot of different places i think they had it at wallmart im not sure but i know its by the bondo its like fiber sheets and some kind of resin u put over it probly work maybe let us know hope that helped peace out ..widow


Well-Known Member
Probably the best thing to do is to find out exactly what the tray is made out of and then see what is recommended to patch it with. I do like the idea of a fiberglass patch though, it should be strong and permanent if it sticks. To help make sure whatever kind of patch you do sticks rough it up with sandpaper before doing anything else.