Fisrt time grower/poster, rubbermaid


Active Member
The plants

I started my first grow on June 30th after being inspired by Jethro's grow setup Here. I started these from some seeds that came straight from the bottom of the bag. I can tell by looking at their growth that they are a few different types of strains. They were planted in 8 16oz cup filled with some time released miracle grow that says it can feed the plant up 3 months. After 3 weeks they were in need of a transplant because the roots were sticking out the holes in the bottom of my cups. They range from 7in tall to a lil over 3.5in, so I think I waited a little bit to long to transplant them and might have stunted there growth. I plan on taking half of them out because there going to be males and that will leave more room for the others to grow.

Few days before transplant

Group photo inside after transplant

Plant shots with heights

The short one

The setup

I painted the Rubbermaid walls inside two layers of black and two layers white and have 2 fans blowing in and one fan blowing out hot air. The temperature of the air blowing out during the day is 89 degrees. I am using 5 26 watt CFL bulbs (1700 lumens each) and one 25 watt sunlight bulb (Light output 1471 lumens). They are on a timer that is set to 18/6 hour day and night. Then I plan on changing it to 12/12 when the time is needed. I also have a 20oz paintball tank and i would like to have it setup so it could provide the plants with a constant flow of co2.

outside view

lights off

Lights on

As you can tell by the title that I am new to growing and would like some advise as my grow comes along. So any suggestions, helpful hints, or questions would be appreciated.

-Thanks, Zilla.


Active Member
1. When should i lower the plants down to the floor (raised for now to be closer to the lights)
2. should I add more nuits to the soil
3. how can i set up a CO2 tank
4. when should I change the light cycle
5. Is 89 degree exhaust to hot for the plants
6. What can i do to improve my setup
7. should I make both bulbs in the middle 25w sunlight bulbs because it looks more blue and blue is good for growth


Active Member
July 23 update

I added another exhaust fan with a dryer hose attached, too try and lower the temp. I also placed the plants on the floor where its a few degrees cooler. The middle 26W bulb was changed to a sunlight bulb to add more blue light to my grow box. Then I placed the smaller plants in the middle of the box, in hope that they will catch up to the others.


Well-Known Member
Did you find out how to set up that Co2 tank... I' wanted to know that too... tryi to do it without killing myself


Active Member
hmmm sounds like ur doing pretty good when do u plan to flower?
Well I would like the plants to get about 1ft tall then im gonna flower them.

Did you find out how to set up that Co2 tank... I' wanted to know that too... tryi to do it without killing myself

yeah ill try my best not to kill myself :blsmoke: But for now I think im gonna manually leak out some co2 from then tank.

Question - So is it possible to add to much co2, if so how often should I provide them with co2? I only have a 20oz tank. Also is co2 even worth the trouble?


Well-Known Member
hey im pretty new too so i dont know how valuable my opinion is but with the co2 tank u would need to get a valve and stuff with a timer and they can get pretty pricey. as for me i just made up some easy co2 bottles. they are cheap easy and my plants love them. just get a 2 liter or a milk jug any bottle with a lid really. mix in some sugar some active yeast and some water and let it sit for a day. poke a small hole in the lid and shake up the bottle. everytime u shake it up its gonna release a boost of co2 and will constantly supply a slow leak of co2 as well as they sit. go look in the grow faq there is alot more detailed directions. but lookin good


Active Member
week four

Pics took right after i sprayed them down with water.
pic 1 - tallest plant 10 inches
pic 2 - shortest plant 5 inches
pic 3 - very droopy plant, it has a nice color but the stems are not very strong. When it pulled it out of the rubbermaids i noticed it was using the to lean on. so I tied her (i hope) and pulled her away for the wall. She will be fine:blsmoke:

pic 4 - the rest in a group pic 6 inches or more
pic 5 - there are a few leafs that look like this. this isnt a big deal is it?

one plant is missing its 9 inches tall and its the same shape as pic 1.

I gonna start flowering them tomarrow beacuse they are cramped for space. So this will "weed" out the males and create more room for the females. Im gonna be flowering with CFLs so the ladies will still stretch out a little more. To help keep this to a min im gonna place 2 more 26 watt bulbs level with the tops of the plants.



Active Member
can any 1 help could i put a 250 light in a rubbermaid set up i want to grow 4 plants in a sea of green