First Timer


Active Member
hey everyone~
my first attempt to grow some bud in my room with some seeds i found in my last bag. I did everything wrong for the first 2 weeks.then i read and watched all the "how to grow" clips. now set up is good and plants are startin to grow!! (they grew more in 4 days than how much they grew for the past month) please gimme some advice or criticize me~
i got enough fluoro lights all over in my self-built frame. 24/7 lights for the first month. fixed set up(more lights and better drainage)->now in 5th week with 14/10 lighting...i guess that means i started the flowering process? watering every other of the leaves became food for a spider rid of em quickly..all seems ok to me now..but always happy for any suggestions :)
here are some pix from when my babies were abused with very little light, NO drainage for a month, too much watering



Well-Known Member
i dont think you can tell sex until 2 weeks into flower. unless u have it veggin for a while, then it may get pre-flowers.

your babies look like there comin along ok, i think. i havent got an indoor grow, so i have all i need good light, good ventilation, and natural food (im still using ionic feed also).

just my input, good growin, CANNABLISS.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. You get a gold star for perseverence. Those plants look much better now.
If that light is a florescent light, get it closer. Like 1" above the plants. The roots should be firmly established by now and your should consider transplanting them soon. VV


Well-Known Member
Way too early to tell sex of plants, especially these that had so much early stress. The good news is they didn't know it was stress and now they think they are in heaven. It usually take 2 weeks or longer after switching to 12/12 light cycle. VV