First timer,with problems.


Well-Known Member
btw if u replaced the soil, u shouldn need any neturts for a bit. id give it 3 weeks w/o neturts (any1 correct me if im wrong) then you can start to add neturts to it. thers no doubt marijuana LOVES food, but u have to work up the neturts slowly. i stated mine with 1/8th the str of what my fert told me 2 use. you should feed them neturts every other watering.

as far as str of the fert goes, i would keep it 1/8th untill they are around 3.5 feet tall. then you could go to 1/4th str untill they are 4/5 feet tall then you can do 1/2 str if u wished but 1/4th is good. mine are on 1/4th and they are doing great (im usein 24:8:16 mg though, alot higher).


Well-Known Member
btw, no i wouldn start flowerin yet. let the plant get good and stocky first (big enough to support the buds ;) ) i would wait untill they are 3 ft tall or bigger before you tried flowering. i dont no alot about indoor systems, how ever i have done alot of research on outdoor plants. most ppl say 2 months old untill flowering. mine were 3ft at 2 months so thats what i stick by.
i probably should have said,i changed the box around a couple of weeks ago.the width is now the height,3 feet.
reason was lighting the 2x2ft 18w floros i had,well i wanted more,so turned the box on its side and put in 4x4ft 30w 4000lm floros so 3ft won't work.
location=major city centre,was OK when they where smaller.



Well-Known Member
ahh lol, then it might be a bad idea 2 put them outside lol. im diggin the box man, very nicely made for ur first time.
3 of 7 seem go have white hairs,no sign of any pollen balls,i was like a big baby when i seen them.haven't got a camera to get close enough.
also re potted a few of them,again adding 50/50 west+potting soil/premium garden soil.
by adding the potting soil does this mean i can't add nutes for a while.
might have to make a new room.the last few days they have been flying up.i don't really want to,can a change of room upset will be the same thing, a bigger white box.



Well-Known Member
it can cause stress yes, but no more than youll put on them by repotting. with florsent lights you can allow ur plants to touch the lights. if you feel you need a bigger box go for it, use the biggest you can get though so you wont be doing this later on ;).

so far, they look very nice man. soon ull have to upgrade the pots sizes again.

hay , check out mine. i just posted a new thread cause im havein pistol problems.


Well-Known Member
also, if the soil was that mg stuff. or says it has time realse ferts in it i would wait. as u used 1/2 the solution i would wait 1/2 the time before you totally go full on with neturts.

best thing you can honestly do is just sit back and enjoy the show at this point. there big enough now that they will do there own thing,u just gotta watch the sex.

i mean this in the sense that you already have them established, they can still die but the chance of that happening are slim to none as long as you dont do sumthing rly unhealthy for them lol like put insecticide on them that is also weed killer XD.
got in from work this morning and 3 of the 7 where all droopy,after a bit more investigation i ve put it down to the 3 that are in the small pots.
unless its something else.can they recover from this.they still look nice and green.



Well-Known Member
thats lack of water lol, u need to give them more than u are. try to water them every morning atleast. weigh the pot when its empty (no water in pot) then ull no when 2 water then.

yes they can recovery from this, as soon as you start to rewater they should come back to life.


Well-Known Member
welcome to riu smell!....What are your temps at? SUb'd..and you can flower at any time dude, just depends on how big you wanna go, it can double in size during flowering
for the shit weather were having its stays pretty hot in the box.77/85 night and day.
i might give it a week or two before flowering seen as i made a bigger box.
any ideas on the one with brown spots.its only on the larger lower leaves.


Active Member
You should be ok with those brown spots...some of my bigger leaves have em biggy none of the rest do.....


Well-Known Member
yo, iv had this prob before with mine. the black spots are 2 much Potassium in its diet. you should wash the soil and water only for about a 2 times then u can refeed lower ratios.

btw sorry i havn been keepin tabs :/ im readin up now. how old r they now?


Well-Known Member
yo, correction. before you wash out the soil you should try layin off the water, ur pretty much rottin ur leaves thats why there black. 2 much water or humidty will do that also.

if this fails then try the first idea ;) lol.


Well-Known Member
urs has sum long ass pistols lol. mine are short pistols that are in large numbers. there lookin nice though man, very nice indeed. they are rather short though 2 be flowering yet, you should of let them get around 3 or 4 ft then you would get alot more yeild off of them.

as for the dieing leaves, i wouldn worry 2 much about it. that could be any number of things, but they are still green so i would assume its just lack of light 2 them and the plant is killin them off itself. the lower leaves on mine look blah also (lol) so i assume its ok.

btw mine are just now hittin flowering, its amazeing 2 watch if ur a first time grower.


Well-Known Member
OOOHHH btw cuz, urs are flowerin also. from the looks of it around 1 to 2 weeks in right?. as soon as they get pistols they begin flowering right after . yours have tiny buds on them, so they will triple size in about a week(remeber im doing outside grow also, results may very XD XD).