First timer problems. calmag?


Well-Known Member
Hello, first time grower here looking for help! I'm growing in hydroton, RO water with 1cup of hydrogen peroxide (i was told to do this in another thread to prevent root rot).

Okay, so... The lower leaves have begun to fall off and i'm afraid it's going to kill my baby!! (all the other's look good, I have no idea why this one looks so bad).

I've got the water pH at 6.8. do you think I'm overwatering? Could it be N or P-K? Maybe it's calmag? Sorry guys, I'm really new to this so any advice I can get to bring her back to life would be great. She's been under the lights for 45 days now, does this look normal? Will it come back? I'm using lucas formula, 3 parts bloom and 1 part grow, right? Should I add superthrive or wait?




Well-Known Member
It was falling over so I had to hold it up with a pen, but the leaves look okay. They'll come back right? Any gurus on? Everyone is just going to ignore my request for help?


Well-Known Member
Should I use more Hydrogen peroxide? I was told this provides oxygen to the nutrient solution???

Do you think I should switch to fox farm nutes?


Well-Known Member
Picture of the roots. Any help I can get would be appreciated. Does this look like root rot? For some reason all the other plants I did this way aren't having any of the same problems!

PS: Is there a way to tell if a plant is a male or female at this stage? If it's a male, I could just throw it away, right?



Well-Known Member
The roots look really bright and clean. I've never seen root mass like that. Looks like noodles. From the first picture is looks flooded. See if it perks up once it's drained.


Well-Known Member
Thank you!! I will flush with a lower pH water. I'm guessing 6.3 should be good. Do you have any opinions on superthrive? I'm not sure if I should keep adding it or not. It seems to be the only think keeping her alive at this point. When I feed after I flush, should I use less of the grow bottle?

I'm guessing maybe 400 lbs.

6.8 is too high for hydro and that plant looks dark green like to much nitrogen.

Don't believe everything you read.


Well-Known Member
Thank you!! do you think they have root rot? I was told in another thread that I have root rot and that I need to use hydrogen peroxide. Should I add more? i was also told that I need more oxygen and I heard H2O2 provides that. Advice? She's not looking too good :(

I agree they look awesome!
That plant should be much bigger.


Well-Known Member
roots are looking healthy, why do you thinking about root rot?
yes h2o2 increase the o2 solution in water, but many of those molecules will stay as h2o2
so it might hurt your plant, if h2o2 amount is too high ;)

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I don't grow with hydro.
Just things I read on this forum and in a few books about growing.
Others will hopefully chime in on your problem.
Many good starting points in the forum link at the top of the page too.

an, lol, I jest about yield.
The more experience, leaves, plant structure and overall environment is the only way to guess overall weight.


Well-Known Member
Okay guys. I took your advice and drained out the water and added less N, I'm starting to see a new problem. I'm thinking nute burn. Is there a chance it can recover? Any other suggestions? Do the black marks on the leaves look like nute burn to you? Should I calmag? pH is 6.3 now as suggested and no water till it dries out. I'm thinking at least 5oz yield?


Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
You have to give them 24 or more hours per little change, longer for big changes.

leaves are curling, maybe too much heat as well.