First Timer, Northern Lights.

Ghetto Grow

Hello RIU, My homie gave me this plant because he doesnt have room for it and my closet had room so now its in there!

~Northern Lights strain
~2x 60Watt CFL bulbs
~2X 100Watt CFL bulbs
~Ballasist system/2x 500Watt bulbs (For flowering)
~Fox Farm organic soil
~Fox farm organic nute's

Week 3 [5/8/10]
:leaf:My friend just gave me this plant today 5/8/10, it was in a shot glass and he had built it up a great root system. We took it to my house and transplanted it from the shot glass to a pot with the same soil and i put the lights up. Its about 6in tall.


Week 3 [5/9/10]
:leaf:Just woke up and opened my closet to look at my girl, Well the leaves are sorta bending over and there is some white speckles on the end of 1 leaf. Im just gonna leave the lights on it today and see how it looks tonight. I think it is in a little bit of shock from the transplanting but im not positive.


Ghetto Grow

i honestly dont know what type of lights he had it under so that is why kind sir, and if you noticed the bottom leaf is yellow he was doing something wrong.


Active Member
I can't even see the yellow from the pic...If its the very bottom two leaves, they start to die after 2 weeks. That's the plant's natural nutes. Ever wondered how your plants sprout in the dark? They have built in food :P Lights are okay, but you might want to throw in some superthrive or hormex. Also, make sure your watering it properly and throw in some nutes, 1/2 of what it calls for on the package & then graduate up to full strength.

Ghetto Grow

I SEE YES THEY ARE THE BOTTOM LEAVES HA. my nutes are fox farm organic big bloom and im mixing it with water little by little.


Active Member
go 1/2 the recommended solution ever other feeding. After 3 feedings (1 week), hop up to full dosage & see how your little girls take it :)

Good Luck!


Active Member
Being your first time, you may not be able to save it. As much as you want it to grow, overwatering it can kill more than anything. We want to love our plants, but they require only so little upkeep to remain happy. Don't water again until the top of the soil is crusty. Does that thing have drainage holes? water it once every 2-3 days bro