First time w/ grow Journal

This will be my second time growin hydro. First time I had 2 sativa Kush's I believe. Back then I was usin 2 15- HPS lights in a deep water reservoir and got a total of about 3.8 O's dried. I did have these guys veggin for about 4 1/2 extra uneeded weeks, first time mistake

...This is a whole new ball game.
This time around I will be using a 225W Quad-band Led light, with a cfl possibly in the future.

-This baby's got a mix pattern of
-65 red leds
-65 blue leds
-70 orange leds
-20 white 3000k leds
..basically the perfect spectrum.

This is my first post of many, going on 8 days shipped for my Fem snow white seeds from Nirvana, update when they arrive.


Well-Known Member
I hope you post some great pictures throughout the grow! Always find it interesting with light combinations such as yours but rarely do you see the full grow journal laid out. Good luck and we'll be watchin'!
Absolute W00tSauce!!

-Got my seeds today, only 10 days shipped! Nirvana is the best.
Will start to germ 3 of them tomorrow!!

...and so the adventure begins, again!
SO my first 3 seeds germed without a prob, Absolutely Love Nirvana now!!!
-it was about 48 hrs after soaking them that I start to see them crack, so i moved them all to separate rock wool cubes and saturated therm with some water. Now under the led for 24 hrs and hopefully we start to see some foliage soon.



Well-Known Member
SO my first 3 seeds germed without a prob, Absolutely Love Nirvana now!!!
-it was about 48 hrs after soaking them that I start to see them crack, so i moved them all to separate rock wool cubes and saturated therm with some water. Now under the led for 24 hrs and hopefully we start to see some foliage soon.

Sounds good cant wait to see the results:blsmoke:
...Hey been about six days veggin now from the sprouts and just look at how strong and brisk they are growing. Can't wait to see them in another week.

-Looking for some info here. Should I at all start adding any nutes ( in a 1/4 strength sol.) to my water Ive been dampening them with? Or should I Hold off on any nutes until there a bit bigger? Ty for all the help out there

File management bonus!! They still have a pic of my Colas from last time, have a look


So my light was about 8 inches above the top of the tallest one, and i moved it down to about 3 1/2 inches now. It seems my girl on the left is looking well deadish. I'll give her another day or two to perk up but we may need to sacrifice her for another girl haha.


Well-Known Member
No, at this stage you dont need nutes. Your plant to the right seems to be stretching a hell of a lot.. maybe you could get the light closer..
Yea i noticed the stretching too, so as you can see from the picture i lowered the light again to just about an inch over the top of the tall one
- Gotta Love LED's, with basically no heat output to burn these little ones.View attachment 899440
So i work until late tonight, but as soon as I get back I'll put some new pics up.
-Hitting 12 days vegging, added in a small percentage of nutes for early growth, they seemed to love it
-also added some reflective material AKA tin foil around to help
-tall girl is starting to perk up and tiny girl is lookin very healthy


Well-Known Member
So i work until late tonight, but as soon as I get back I'll put some new pics up.
-Hitting 12 days vegging, added in a small percentage of nutes for early growth, they seemed to love it
-also added some reflective material AKA tin foil around to help
-tall girl is starting to perk up and tiny girl is lookin very healthy
glad to hear man, was wondering, do you intend on using any other light for flower or just LED? and how many lumens does that LED put out?
I honestly don't know the lumen output of my light, according to this website, it is only the brightness in terms of output to the human eye, which in this case would be a lot!!
-I started this grow as a personal experience to see how LEds stood up. I'm gonna just use the led for both vegging and flowering. If at any point i am not seeing the results I'd like, I'll add another light, (probably CFL) and go from there. Of course I'll also let you guys and gals know too.

-Arghh Phone pics suck!!!
-Hey everybody hit the official two week mark for vegging yesterday.
...It seems they're lookin real good, and the second set of leaves are coming in great.
-While they were enjoying the tiny amount of nutes i was adding, I may have miscalculated the percent last time, and I think Im seeing a bit of nute burn on the tall girl. Fresh water in now and we'll see what they look like in he next couple days.