First Time Grower


Well-Known Member
Alright, well before I even start to describe the area, I was wondering if it sounded wise that I start off by growing a couple (10-15) 'regs' plants first. Although almost none of the bud would be smoked by me, I was wondering if the knowledge to be gained from it would be worth the effort put into growing regs. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum slick. Most of us started with bag seed. I suppose you can too. Start a journal and share your plans. It may save you some money in the long run. VV


Well-Known Member
Yea, I was planning on that. Tomorrow I was gonna head down to my spot, which is in the woods. I was going to maybe take a few pictures just of the surrounding area, or also I found somebody else's plants outside, and was going to take a few pictures as an idea of what I wanted to do. When I do start, would it be better to start the plants in a small pot and then transplant to the ground, or would putting a germinated seed into the ground work fine?

ganj ganj

Active Member
ya i need some help to i put 5 seeds in a small plastic pot and i didnt germinate them but i used good soil and some miricale grow

ganj ganj

Active Member
it wasnt to germinate them i was trying to grow it but should i wait till it starts sprouting and then use the miricale grow


Well-Known Member
wait till your plants are 4-8 weeks old before ferting, and then only if they need it.