First time grower


Well-Known Member
Ok this is my first time growing, and am interested in growing hydroponic style. I have been reading all over this site and, while there are several very helpful guides to growing in soil, I see no guides for hydro. Honestly, I have no idea about how to grow hydro, only that I like the results :D
I am looking to grow in a fairly small space, and am only trying to get 1 maybe 2 plants simply for personal use because its becoming impossible to find anything other than oregano around here. I just bought a cut last night and there was 150 seeds in it and I smoked it all to the head and didnt even get a buzz. Not even a headache, which was all I was expecting to get. Im sick of paying $25 just to make my appartment smell like im burning a leaf pile in my livingroom.
If there is already a thread about this, then im sorry for posting, just give me a link


Well-Known Member
I have no pics to post because I havent started growing yet. I wanted to know what all is required equipment-wise and what the best techniques would be for growing with hydroponics.