First time grower, just a few quick questions


Active Member
ive been on this site for a while... gotten so many different answers.. its so damn confusing.. i just want short, easy answers... no wellll it depeeeendds!.

im growing in my woods.. i live in ontario canada. (we dont live in igloos, it DOES get hot up here) using the ground soil.. its good, dark moist.. dead log beside it decomposing.. worms near and in it...

1) what ph shud the soil be?
2) what ph shud the water be? im using creek water right near my site.
3) every1 says not to use mircal grow... but i want to give it some kind of a boost of nutrients.. not soil wise cuz there already planted and just sprouted yesterday... is there some spray i cud buy?
4) how to detect males fast.. besides the hairs.

ty so much!!


Well-Known Member
1)ph 6.5-7.5
2)about ph 6
3)get some liquid nutrients like biobizz grow and bloom thats what i use.
4)i dont know how you can tell a male without seing the balls hairs are females


Active Member
ty very much, any idea where i can buy some of these liquid nutrients' i dont think i got a herb based store in my town... just canadian tire/ wal-mart. that kinda deal.


Well-Known Member
walmart has miracle grow for a good price.
MG works great for me
try to get organic choice tho because the others have chemicals and other additives in them


Active Member
really.. every1 seems to hate MG... ill probably try to find some liquid nutrients somewhere for the extra kick... btw.. how often should i spray the soil with that stuff... and how early shud i start to...///when should i stop?

grow space

Well-Known Member
always remember that you have to mix your ferts with water so read carefull whats on the label-you dont want over ferting your babys.gradually increase the dosages on ferts and nutes.plants must get use to it.start using ferts about when your plant is 3 -4weeks old.
keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
i get my nutrients/fertilizer online from need to dilute biobizz about 2-4ml per liter and you dont sray it unless you put it in a spray bottle but i just mix it up in a jug and pour it evenly around my should stop feeding about 2 weeks before you cut the plant down.

Silentbobs son

Well-Known Member
You could try CIL brand bone/blood meal mix. The plant can get its' nutes without burning it. You can buy it at Canadian Tire for cheap. Also, use a weak fish emulsion solution when you water every other day. You can get it at CT or a local greenhouse. The soil should be fine since it is outside. Canada has great soil compared to where I originally came from. We only have red clay. Good luck.