First time I have enough light?


:joint:Ive set up my grow room etc..and its all good.

Im just looking to grow 2 plants to start but im a bit concerned if i have enough light! Any tips or suggestions would be really appreciated!

Here it goes, so far I have:

1x 23W CFL (1500 lumens)
4x 20 W CFL's (1200 lumens each)

Colour: White 3500K for all of them.

In total its 6300 lumens...:leaf:


Active Member
for vegging u really wana get some blue spectrum in there like sum 6500k cfls and red spec for flowering this may be use ful, this is not my work someone showed me this to help me


Well-Known Member
its gonna depends how big ur gonna want them to grow?
how big is ur grow space ?
r u going to propagate cuttings aswell ?
do u have a seperate space 4 flowering ?
u might just b better off getting 2x 150 watt cfl 1 blue 1 red i got 3 from ebay 4 50 bucks


Well-Known Member
Ok, heres the deal. You need 2,500-3,000 lumens per square foot. Width multiplied by length gives you square footage, add the lumens of all your lights together, divide lumens by square footage. GL